Principles to Live By: The Will of God, Pt. 1

Principles to Live By: The Will of God, Pt. 1

God does not require us to understand His will, just obey it, even if it seems unreasonable.

Principles to Live By: The Will of God, Pt. 1

"Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness."

(Psalm 143:10)

Both in our Daily Devotions and the REvangelical Podcast, we have been studying the 30 Life Principles that Dr. Charles Stanley preached and lived by. All 30 messages can be viewed online at Stanley was the pastor of FBC Atlanta, GA, for over 50 years and well-known for his faithfulness to teach the Bible on his In Touch TV broadcast. Stanley passed away on April 18, 2023, at 90 years of age.

This week, we will examine Principle #5: "The Unreasonable Will of God: God does not require us to understand His will, just obey it, even if it seems unreasonable." We will continue to draw strength from the Word of God and be blessed by the teachings of Dr. Stanley. I will also share some of my own thoughts related to knowing and doing the will of God.

We have a dear Christian family in our church who believe God has called them to vocational ministry. Perhaps you feel that way as well. You believe God may be leading you away from your current vocation to serve Him in full-time Gospel work. I know that all followers of Jesus are called to serve God; however, there are some (me included) who have accepted the call of God to serve Him vocationally. This couple is seeking the Lord diligently to ascertain the will of God for their lives and family. They felt that they were to make a big move to another state and serve with an excellent para-church ministry, but at the last moment, they did not feel peace and decided to stay in Austin and within our church. I met for over an hour and a half with this godly man. He still believes God has called them, but the timing was not right. They will continue to walk with Christ and wait on God to open the door of ministry, a door that they know will be accompanied by the peace of God.

During our conversation, I referenced this Life Principle #5 and the message Stanley preached on it. I shared this with my friend and will share it with you now: follow the peace. When God gives you peace in your heart, proceed; if He does not, then wait. Waiting on God is not easy, nor is it a passive existence. To wait on God means to continue to pursue Him in prayer and in studying the Word, as well as being open to how His Spirit will guide you. And guide you the Spirit of God indeed will!

God knows what we need and has specific truths and promises in the Word of God that He uses to speak to us at just the right time. It is amazing how God does this and how He speaks to His children through His inspired Word, the Bible. I met with another man here at our church who, looking at how God had blessed him and brought people into his life, said he does not believe in coincidences! I agree.

Knowing the will of God is an important aspect of your life. I am not surprised that it is so close to the top of Dr. Stanley's 30 life principles. Come back tomorrow, and we will begin in earnest to pursue understanding better this wonderful subject of the will of God.

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Podcast of the Week

A Wonderful Journey, Pt. 1

Pastor Danny shares about his recent trip retracing the Apostle Paul's second missionary journey.

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Chris Williams