"Then Deborah said to Barak, 'Go! This is the day the LORD has handed Sisera over to you. Hasn't the LORD gone before you?' So Barak came down from Mount Tabor with ten thousand men following him."
(Judges 4:14)
This week, we have been studying how the presence of God energizes us for the work He has for us. I hope you have been both challenged and blessed by what you have read. Dr. Charles Stanley said in his message on the presence of God that you may be shocked at what God will do in your life. Do not shut Him out; be in fellowship with Him so you can hear Him speak. He wants a people who will obey and be open to Him. God is always in the process of doing something in our lives.
When the Lord is with us, He energizes us and empowers us to do all that He desires for us to do. I thought about the 23rd Psalm. You are probably familiar with it, but look at this line in verse 4: "For You are with me." God loves you, and He is with you, not against you. As His child, someone who loves Him and is surrendered to Jesus Christ, God has a great plan for you. He will energize you to do all that He has put in your heart to do for Him. Psalm 46:1 says, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." David writes that God is not simply present, but He is very present! Also, in this 46th Psalm, David states two times, in verses 7 and 11, that: "The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge." (Soak in this truth: Jehovah Sabaoth is with you!)
Stanley gives four distinct features about God's presence:
- He makes His presence known. This is the bulk of his teaching, as he points to many examples in the Bible and references examples in his own life. I can testify as well of God's unmistakable presence in my life, especially in times of need.
- God energizes us for the work that He has called us to do. He will reveal His plan to you that fits you perfectly; not for another, but tailor-made. He has a plan; He is a personal God.
- Awareness of His presence reminds us of what He has done in the past. Stanley recalled a difficult time in his life as the pastor at FBC Atlanta, GA. But he made it through because he had peace knowing God was with him.
- You see things from God's perspective. What a blessing to it is to step back, take a deep breath, and simply know that God has everything under control. He is not pressured or in a hurry. He makes all things beautiful in His own time (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
Have a blessed weekend. Let us know if we can pray for you. Send your prayer request to pray@dfea.com.