Principles to Live By: Energized by God's Presence, Pt. 1

Principles to Live By: Energized by God's Presence, Pt. 1

We all go through tough seasons. It is vital for us to stay connected to the Vine, our Source of strength and sustenance, and that is, of course, Jesus Christ.

Principles to Live By: Energized by God's Presence, Pt. 1

"Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Or where can I flee from Your presence?
If I ascend into heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there."

(Psalm 139:7-8)

How are you doing in your walk with the Lord? Are you growing, or are you perhaps a little stagnant and in need of a boost? I am glad you are reading our devotion today, and my prayer is that you will be blessed and challenged by it. I heard from a friend of mine recently who is going through a tough season. He is having to trust God and live one day at a time, leaning on Jesus to hold him up. But instead of falling away from the Lord, my friend is drawing closer to God during this trying time. He said that through this, God has brought him back to consistent prayer and Bible reading. He even shared how he is being sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading and ministering to others.

We all go through tough seasons. It is vital for us to stay connected to the Vine, our Source of strength and sustenance, and that is, of course, Jesus Christ. We must constantly be in the Word of God and on our knees in prayer. I love how God has gifted men and women who speak and write truth to lift our weary souls. Dr. Charles Stanley has been doing that very thing for my soul over the last several weeks. I have been teaching and writing on Stanley's 30 Life Principles, and as a result, my life has been blessed. You know the adage, "The teacher is always the one to get blessed the most." As I study and prepare to encourage you in your walk with Christ, I am being built up through Stanley's teaching.

Dr. Stanley was the pastor of the FBC in Atlanta, GA, for over 50 years and was well-known for his faithfulness to teach the Bible on his In Touch TV broadcast. Stanley passed away on April 18 of this year at 90 years of age. But like Billy Graham, Adrian Rogers, and others like them, Stanley continues to impact many through his Bible-based teaching and preaching.

This week, we will cover Life Principle #4: "Energized by His Presence: The awareness of God's presence energizes us for our work." I listened to Stanley's sermon on this life principle, and it spoke to my heart and gave me encouragement. It fed my soul and helped me get through a hard day with lots of pressures and one bad piece of news my family received. We all were reeling from it. I shared with those at church who had gathered for prayer that pastors need pastors too; we need the Church of Jesus Christ. I know I do! Though it was hard, it was a blessing to be there and to pray. Our focus was praying in the in-between times in our lives when we have an urgent need or crisis and the answer or breakthrough from God has not yet arrived. How do we live in that space? Do we live in fear or in faith?

This week, we will learn how we can have faith over fear and victory over doubt by simply practicing the presence of God. He is with His children; He loves us and will never leave or forsake us. His presence is enough, no matter how dire the situation.

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Podcast of the Week

Life Principles: #5: The Unreasonable Will of God, Pt. 2

Pastor Danny wraps up his discussion of Dr. Charles Stanley's 5th Life Principle: the Unreasonable Will of God: God does not require us to understand His will, just obey it, even if it seems unreasonable.

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Chris Williams