Principles to Live By: The Word of God is Our Anchor, Pt. 2

Principles to Live By: The Word of God is Our Anchor, Pt. 2

We will never be able to say there are no more storms. This is simply a fact of life in our fallen world. We must be able to ride them out.

Principles to Live By: The Word of God is Our Anchor, Pt. 2

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

(Psalm 119:105)

Charles Stanley began his message on Life Principle #3 by remembering some of the storms he went through in his life. He referenced one storm, however, that was the hardest and tested his faith the most. He did not elaborate on it, but I believe he was talking about his divorce from his wife. I cannot imagine how excruciatingly difficult that must have been. He quoted Isaiah 40:8, "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever." And he quoted Psalm 119:105, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

He said we can either moan and groan or ride out the storms. It is easy for me to moan and groan, but I need to lean more into Jesus, trust Him, and ride out the storms with grace and patience. My oldest brother sent me a text message recently that said, "God is the God of the in-betweens." That is so true. Maybe this is where you are today: in between the request and the answer, the problem and the solution. This is a place where many struggle, but I have good news for you: Almighty God is King of this space as well!

Stanley said in his sermon on this third life principle, the Bible is our anchor in the storms of life, whether they be storms of finances, health, families, loss of job, or broken relationships. Some of these will be brief while other storms will last longer. We must ride them out and get through these dark nights of the soul. We will never be able to say there are no more storms. This is simply a fact of life in our fallen world.

He mentioned the sources of the storms we encounter: our own poor choices and mistakes that get us in trouble; others cause storms for us sometimes; Satan can help bring havoc into our lives; or sometimes, God is the source. God allows us to go through these times of testing to make us stronger, but the enemy will use that same storm to tempt us to give up or get angry with God. One purpose of a storm might be to get our attention to let go of something we are holding onto. These times of testing can either destroy you or develop and equip you to be a wonderful servant of God. We do not like it, but God knows that it is best for us currently. If we do not have an anchor, we will drift. Storms are inevitable. Our anchor is immovable.

Stanley gave his definition of the Bible and asked the people listening to write it down. I did, and it is helpful. "The Bible is the written record of God's unfolding revelation of Himself through the spoken word, in nature, in history, and through the coming of His Son Jesus Christ." Would God give us a Book of errors? No; He loves us too much.

If you find yourself in a violent storm, let me encourage you to pick up the Bible, open it, and read it. God will speak to you and comfort your weary soul. I recommend that you read Psalm 42-43 and listen to God as He quiets your distressed soul.

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Podcast of the Week

Life Principles: #5: The Unreasonable Will of God

Pastor Danny continues his series exploring his favorites of Dr. Charles Stanley's Life Principles. Today he dives into Principle #5: The Unreasonable Will of God: God does not require us to understand His will, just obey it, even if it seems unreasonable.

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Chris Williams