Next Step of Obedience

Next Step of Obedience

Jesus says, "the one who has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me." It is not enough just to HAVE His commands; we must KEEP them.

Next Step of Obedience

This week's devotions are written by my son, Bryant Forshee, Lead Student Pastor for Cross Church, Springdale, AR campus, and former Junior High Pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX.
- Pastor Danny
"The one who has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. And the one who loves me will be loved by my Father. I also will love him and will reveal myself to him."

(John 14:21, CSB)

Greetings from beautiful Northwest Arkansas! Life update from the Forshees who are not living in Texas: Kyndall (my wife) and I have recently moved to Springdale, Arkansas. I serve as the Student Pastor at Cross Church - Springdale campus, and we are loving life in NWA (Northwest Arkansas). It has been a crazy couple months with buying a house, selling a house, getting moved into the new house, getting new licenses, getting new license plates, and all the other stuff you do when you move. Kyndall and I believed that this was where God was calling us, so we prayed, sought wisdom, and eventually packed up, left Texas, and headed for NWA!

This move was a big step for Kyndall and me: moving states, changing jobs, moving away from family, etc. So we were relying on the Lord to sustain us, guide us, and be our everything through the big move, through this big step of obedience for us. When we got to Cross Church, someone asked me this question:

"What is the next step of obedience that you need to take?"

I thought to myself, "Well, I just moved, so I feel like I'm good." Then I re-asked myself the question, "What is my NEXT step of obedience?" I think if we are not careful, we will view steps of obedience in our relationship with Jesus as only "big moves". We can classify these big moves in many ways: changing jobs, moving, getting married, etc. All of those things are big steps of obedience that most of us will make during our lifetime, but I want to ask you the question that has been stuck in my mind recently:

What is your next step of obedience that you need to take?

A relationship with Jesus is daily, active, and should always be growing. The verse for today shows us where to find our next steps of obedience: Scripture.

Jesus says, "the one who has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me." It is not enough just to HAVE the commands; the kicker is KEEPING them. THAT is your next step of obedience: looking at what God's word says, having it in your heart and mind, and then keeping/doing what it says.

Is it getting into the scripture so you can HAVE something to keep? Is it a certain passage that you need to apply in your life? Go to the word of God so you can find the next step, and then do the next step. I would encourage you to go read Colossians 3 and see what things you need to "put to death" and what things you need to "put on."

When you do this, you show that you love Jesus, you will be loved by God the Father, and Jesus will reveal Himself to you!

What is your next step of obedience that you need to take?

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Podcast of the Week

Life Principles: #1: Intimacy with God

The greatest priority of our lives and the #1 principle by which to live a blessed life is to know God -- not know *about* Him, but actually *know* Him and have a relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ.

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Chris Williams