Time to Act, Pt. 2

Time to Act, Pt. 2

I pray daily for the Persecuted Church abroad who face assault, imprisonment, & even martyrdom. Could this level of persecution come to the USA?

Time to Act, Pt. 2

"Open your mouth for the speechless,
In the cause of all who are appointed to die.
Open your mouth, judge righteously,
And plead the cause of the poor and needy."

(Proverbs 31:8-9)

In South Asia, where our church has spent much time, the crackdown on Christians continues to rise. I got an email from our contact in this one Asian country. It reads:
"I am very sad to share this with you all.

"Few hours ago, one of our part time workers went to help a brother in Christ who was attacked and opposed and was kept in police station. As he was walking towards police station, a mob of people belonging to several fanatic groups attacked him brutally and forced him to say and repeat their god's name. He rejected in spite of pain.

"We have now shifted him to a guest house near a church in another city and 2 brothers are appointed for a week to look after him. One of his bones is damaged; he is brave and happy. You all have visited his house, and we had snacks at his home. For security reasons, his mobile phone will be switched off for a week. Kindly pray for him."
He also sent a video of the man being mistreated with his broken arm in obvious pain. Just last year, when I was in this country, I met with this man in his home. This news just breaks my heart. This is life for these believers in this country which is gradually becoming more hostile to Christians.

I pray daily for the Persecuted Church and many of the ministries that help them, like Samaritan's Purse, Frontliners, Open Doors, and Voice of the Martyrs. Our ministry at DFEA gladly financially supports ministries and pastors who assist these dear brothers and sisters in Christ who pay such a high price to follow our Lord.

Could this type of physical persecution come to the USA? Yes, I believe it will come unless we have a revival in our land or unless Christians become bold and speak up for our faith and biblical morality. If we continue to be silent and choose not to get involved, then it is only a matter of time until our religious liberties are taken away. They are already being challenged throughout our land. On April 29, on our podcast, I will interview Christian pastor and attorney, Frank Harber, who will shed some light on the battle for religious liberty in our nation.

I appreciate how bold Metaxas is in his book, Letter to the American Church. He writes about the sanctity of human life, the confusion over gender issues, and how unfair it is for biological males to compete against biological females in sporting events.

Just recently, former swimmer at the University of Kentucky, Riley Gaines, was assaulted after giving a speech at San Francisco State University because of her stance that biological males should not be allowed to swim against biological females. You would think that is a simple, common-sense issue, but it is not for many. One of the first signs of someone not having the Holy Spirit in them is a clear lack of common sense. Romans 1:24-25 states, "Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen."

Many are attempting to exchange the truth of God for a lie. Why? They want to practice their sinful lifestyle with no restrictions. I am saddened for these individuals who have been duped and blinded by Satan. I pray for them to receive Jesus and His truth that will set them free.

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Podcast of the Week

Dare to Die

Would you lay your life down to save another? The Bible calls this the greatest act of love... and of course, no one ever exemplified this better than Jesus, when He endured torture, mockery, and a slow, painful death on the cross to pay for our sins and make a way for us to be reconciled with God. In this episode, Pastor Danny focuses on Jesus' death and other examples of self-sacrifice on behalf of others that will challenge and encourage you.

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Chris Williams