Maximizing Your Spiritual Lives Together, Pt. 1

Maximizing Your Spiritual Lives Together, Pt. 1

My wife Ashley and I were blessed to share with many couples in our church last Saturday at the Better Together: Marriage Enrichment Event.

Maximizing Your Spiritual
Lives Together, Pt. 1

"Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."

(Genesis 2:24)

My wife Ashley and I were blessed to share with many couples in our church last Saturday at the Better Together: Marriage Enrichment Event. We were asked to speak on how we can maximize our spiritual lives as married couples. The Lord blessed our time together, and we praise Him for allowing us the privilege to be able to speak into the marriages represented at the conference. Ashley and I have known each other for 38 years and have been married for 36 years. We got married when she had just turned 20 years old, and I was the ripe old age of 21! We were young, but we knew it was God's will for us to be married. After our honeymoon in the Smoky Mountains in beautiful Tennessee, we headed west to Fort Worth, TX, so I could begin studying at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. We had very little as far as worldly possessions, but that did not matter. Jesus was in our hearts individually and in our marriage, and He made and continues to make all the difference.
Here is a picture of us on our wedding day at the First Baptist Church in Gulf Shores, AL. It was a very hot August afternoon. The church was packed with family members, loved ones, and friends. As I think back to that day, I have so much joy in my heart. The Lord has been very good to Ashley and me, and we praise Him for His blessings upon our lives and marriage.

This week in our devotions, I will share some insights from God's Word and our marriage in hopes of blessing and encouraging those of you who are married or one day will be married.
My desire this week is to help you and your spouse in practical ways on how you can continue to grow closer to Jesus individually, and as result, grow closer to each other.

Marriage is a gift from God. As we read in Genesis 2, God created this husband-and-wife union, and it is most precious in His eyes. Marriage is wonderful, but all of us who are married also know that a blessed and happy marriage is not easy; it takes much effort. I know that it is God's will for every married couple to thrive and not just survive. Unfortunately, many marriages end in divorce. And with the divorce comes much heartache and pain. God can certainly bring beauty out of the ashes. But I hope that through this week's devotions, you and your spouse grow closer together and "the D-word" will be so distant that you never think about it.

I am praying for you and your marriage and looking forward to sharing more with you this week.

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Podcast of the Week

When Revival Comes

Pastor Danny discusses the history of Revivals and Great Awakenings, primarily in America, but also in Europe. He also discussed the difference between a revival and an awakening and the conditions that make them more likely to happening.

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Chris Williams