Lord, Do It Again, Pt. 2

Lord, Do It Again, Pt. 2

The revival that started at Asbury University earlier this month has since spread across our country, especially on college campuses.

Lord, Do It Again, Pt. 2

"Will You not revive us again,
That Your people may rejoice in You?"

(Psalm 85:6)

People came from as far away as New Zealand to Asbury University to witness firsthand what God was doing in Kentucky. I have friends who visited and gave a positive report on what they saw. The revival has since spread across our country, especially on college campuses. I read recently about how the students at Texas A&M are experiencing revival. Of course, we pray that it continues and that God brings it to our city of Austin.

I watched an interview with the president of the student body at Asbury. The young lady was very sincere and articulate and shared that her generation is hungry for the Lord. They had suffered much through the pandemic and were ready for something like this. The first thing she did was quote Habakkuk 1:5:

"Look among the nations and watch—Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days, which you would not believe, though it were told you."

She said there is a young generation, an army rising up to claim Christianity as their own. An Air1 Christian radio staff member went to the revival in Asbury, and she was deeply impacted. According to her account of the revival, those attending just wanted to be in the presence of Jesus. She was there for four hours and did not want to leave. The common response that the students gave her as she asked them about their impression of the revival was radical humility. If God is attracted to humility, and we know He is, then we also know His reaction toward pride. James 4:6 states, "But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: 'God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.'"

Have you read the book or seen the movie, Jesus Revolution? My wife Ashley and I saw it last week, and we loved it. We laughed, cried, and left the theater so encouraged in our faith. I highly recommend the movie. The acting is superb, but the most impressive thing about the movie is, it really happened! God saved thousands of "hippies" in 1970. I think it is amazing how God works. The movie just came out in the midst of this revival breaking out at Asbury University, a place that also experienced revival in 1970. God is so good!

I will close today's devotion with a quote about the 1970 revival at Asbury University during the Jesus Revolution (also referred to as the Jesus Movement):

"On February 3, 1970, Dean Custer B. Reynolds, scheduled to speak in chapel, felt led to invite persons to give personal testimony instead. Many on campus had been praying for spiritual renewal and were now in an expectant mood. Soon there was a large group waiting in line to speak. A spirit of powerful revival came upon the congregation. The chapel was filled with rejoicing people. Classes were canceled for a week during the 144 hours of unbroken revival, but even after classes resumed on February 10, Hughes Auditorium was left open for prayer and testimony. These sessions were presided over by Reynolds, Clarence Hunter, and other faculty. Some 2,000 witness teams went out from Wilmore to churches and at least 130 college campuses around the nation."


We desire for God to do it again in our lives, homes, families, churches, cities, nation, and the world. Oh God, please do it again!

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Chris Williams