Lord, Do It Again, Pt. 1

Lord, Do It Again, Pt. 1

This week we are discussing the topic of revival. It is a favorite subject of mine. I enjoy studying the history of Revivals and Great Awakenings.

Lord, Do It Again, Pt. 1

"Will You not revive us again,
That Your people may rejoice in You?"

(Psalm 85:6)

This week we are discussing the topic of revival. It is a favorite subject of mine. I enjoy studying the history of Revivals and Great Awakenings. Like many of you, I pray daily for God to send revival to our churches and another awakening across our city, nation, and world. We are ripe for another mighty spiritual awakening indeed.

But first, here is a quick personal update:

My wife Ashley and I recently took a few days off and traveled to California. We had a blessed time with our great friends, Andy and Kathy Spencer, whom we have known for almost 13 years. We were blessed to go and see Sealy Yates at his home in Anaheim and spend a little time with him. He and his sons have a thriving law practice, with their primary focus being Christian publication. Sealy has worked with some of my favorite authors and preachers, like Chuck Swindoll and David Jeremiah. Later that same day, we traveled west of Los Angeles and met with Matthew and Dawn Potter, a sweet Christian couple who are sold out to Jesus and living for the Lord in a place where the light of the Gospel is so badly needed. Dawn works in the music industry in L.A., and Matt is one of the four men who created the app Pray.com. It is neat to see how God has His people everywhere impacting this world for Christ.

Praise God for what has happened at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky! For two consecutive weeks, beginning February 8, the Lord moved in power upon this campus, and the impact has been global. This week's devotions are not meant to be an exhaustive study into the revival at Asbury or revivals in general. I rejoice and praise God for what He has done and continues to do in Asbury. I watched the sermon that preceded the movement of the Spirit on the campus. The guest pastor preached a heartfelt, genuine message on Romans 12. At the end of the sermon, he said we cannot extend the love of Jesus unless we first experience the love of Jesus in our own lives. Then he asked the Lord to shower His love upon those present, and guess what? God did! For two weeks solid, the students met for prayer, praise, worship, and the reading of the Word of God. Just think a moment about those four practices and how important and vital they are to spiritual life.

More about Asbury and revivals tomorrow! But please take a moment and pray this simple prayer with me:

"Lord, do it again; for Your glory and for our eternal good, send the rains of revival. In Jesus' name we pray."

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Podcast of the Week

Two Sacred Ordinances

Pastor Danny discusses the two sacred Christian ordinances of baptism and communion.

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Chris Williams