WBW Cravis Vaforshee, MOGIET, FATTS

WBW Cravis Vaforshee, MOGIET, FATTS

Obviously, this weird title needs some explanation.

WBW Cravis Vaforshee, MOGIET, FATTS

This week's devotions are written by my son, Bryant Forshee. Bryant has been the Junior High Pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX for the last seven years and has just accepted a new position as Lead Student Pastor for Cross Church at their Springdale, AR campus.
- Pastor Danny
"And let us consider one another in order to provoke love and good works, not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching."

(Hebrews 10:24-25, CSB)

If you haven't already, take a look at the title of this devo. Yes, you read it correctly: WBW Cravis Vaforshee, MOGIET, and FATTS. Now, obviously, there needs to be some explanation.
WBW Cravis Vaforshee is the group chat name of a small group that Kyndall and I have been a part of for the past year or so. We get together, or try to get together, every week, and we do life with one another. One of the coolest things about this group is that we all serve in a ministry context. We all have responsibilities on Sundays, so we cannot make it to a Sunday School class or a LifeGroup, so we created this group for ourselves. The group meets at a house, opens up scripture, and then splits up, guys and girls (like a good middle school dance), to talk about what is going on in life. The splitting of guys and girls leads me to MOGIET.

MOGIET stands for Men Of God In Enemy Territory. This group chat is just the guys of WBW Cravis Vaforshee. This group chat varies from serious texts to funny photos and gifs. This is a group chat for just the guys to better one another and learn from one another.
The last group chat name is FATTS. This stands for the combination of Forshee and Watts. This couple came into our lives right at the time Kyndall and I got married, and they are our best friends. Ben and I worked together at Prestonwood, and Christie and Kyndall are both teachers. We had some immediate connections, and now they are the people who we vacation with, do life with, and laugh, cry, and hang out with (sometimes a combination of all three)!
Each group represents part of the community in which God has placed us. These groups of people know our stories, know our highs and lows, and know a lot about Kyndall and me. We are forever grateful for the impact and the sharpening that these groups of people have played and will continue to play in our lives. These people push us to Jesus, and we are forever thankful for a community of faith like the one we have.

What about you? Do you have people in your life who know you?
Who know your struggles?
Who know your story?
Who know when you're having a bad day or a good day?
Who know your prayer requests and your praises?

If you do not have a community of faith, talk to your local pastor about what your Church offers. Talk to some friends about forming a small group. Be in community with other believers, it is of GREAT importance, and who knows, you may also have some cool group chat names that come from it.

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Podcast of the Week

Let's Talk Story, Pt. 3

Pastor Danny concludes his discussion of Paul's account of his testimony before a very hostile crowd, what we can learn from it, and how we can be bolder and better about sharing our own testimony with others.

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Chris Williams