Discipleship is Worth It

Discipleship is Worth It

Do you have someone who is pouring into you and discipling you? Are you likewise pouring into someone else and discipling them?

Discipleship is Worth It

This week's devotions are written by my son, Bryant Forshee. Bryant has been the Junior High Pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX for the last seven years and has just accepted a new position as Lead Student Pastor for Cross Church at their Springdale, AR campus.
- Pastor Danny
"You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others."

(2 Timothy 2:2, NLT)

This week is my last week working at Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano Campus, as the Minister to Junior High, because earlier in the year, I accepted the call as Student Pastor at Cross Church in Springdale, Arkansas. Kyndall and I are excited for this new chapter in our lives! With this being my last week at Prestonwood, all the memories and people's faces have been flooding both of our minds. Two people in particular repeatedly come to my mind, and they are Tom Sherman and Landon Killian.

Tom Sherman is a Mortgage Consultant in the DFW area, and, second only to my Dad, Danny Forshee, the most influential man in my life. Tom and I began meeting in May of 2016, a few months after I started at Prestonwood. I told my boss at the time that I wanted a mentor, and my boss set me up with Tom Sherman. For the past almost seven years, Tom has poured into me, pointed me to Jesus, listened to me, gave me advice, and countless other things. The thing I love most about Tom is this: He loves Jesus and prioritizes Jesus over everything. Don't get me wrong; I didn't like Tom after every single one of our meetings! He told me some tough things about my life, my immaturity, and my feelings and attitudes. Tom was like a spiritual boot camp at some of our meetings, and I am forever grateful and indebted to him for that. Tom has the following working definition of discipleship: "Discipleship is life on life, for life."

Landon Killian is a high school senior that I met back in 2017. He was a young man who had a PASSION for Jesus and for people. Landon and I began meeting regularly, and we have talked about a lot: faith, Colossians, Revelation, Discipleship, Mission Trips, etc. The list could go on and on. Something really special happened last Wednesday the 15th. Landon and I were meeting and talking about my and Kyndall's move. Landon began telling me about his feelings toward the move and then began talking to me about how his faith will not be shaken by circumstances or feelings. He began telling me that he was going to seek God and set his mind on God. As he was sharing, I realized that these were things that we have been talking about for the past six years. I realized that this young man was putting into practice the biblical truths that we had been studying and discussing. It was such a powerful and sweet moment.

Why do I tell you about Tom and Landon? Discipleship is worth it! I am forever grateful for Tom Sherman taking me on and challenging me to become more like Jesus. I am forever grateful for Tom challenging me to have my own disciples too; that's where Landon came into the picture. I am forever grateful for Landon showing up week after week, hungry to learn more about Jesus.

What about you?
Do you have someone who is pouring into you and discipling you?
Are you likewise pouring into someone else and discipling them?

Jesus told us to go and make disciples in the Great Commission. Paul picks up that challenge and encourages Timothy to make disciples. The Great Commission then is still the Great Commission TODAY.

Who are you pouring your life into, and who is pouring into you?

May we all have a Tom and a Landon in our lives!

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and equip and empower other Christians to do the same?
Count me in! ▶

Podcast of the Week

Let's Talk Story, Pt. 3

Pastor Danny concludes his discussion of Paul's account of his testimony before a very hostile crowd, what we can learn from it, and how we can be bolder and better about sharing our own testimony with others.

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Chris Williams