The God Who Acts, Pt. 4

The God Who Acts, Pt. 4

We miss God when our motivation is not right. So, God makes us wait. He gets the circumstances right and our motives right.

The God Who Acts, Pt. 4

"But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint."

(Isaiah 40:31)

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us on the DFEA team! We hope you have a blessed time of fellowship with loved ones, giving thanks to God for all He has given you.

I am currently training for another marathon. I have run many of these 26.2-mile races, and every one has been different and difficult! But there is such joy and a great sense of accomplishment when I finally cross the finish line. All the work is worth it. The older I get, the more work it takes. I have to stretch and use the foam roller every day. If I do not, then my right knee is not very happy with me. I mix up my training and do hills, intervals, and long runs. I lift weights and pay close attention to hydration and nutrition. Again, it is hard, but the waiting for the race and putting in the effort are greatly rewarded when I finish the race.

Often what is true in the physical realm is true in the spiritual. If we wait on God, and yes, put the work into waiting, then it will be greatly rewarded by God. Isaiah 40:31 is perhaps the most recognized verse in the Bible on the subject of waiting on the LORD. As we have seen in Scripture before, we are to wait on God, and when we do, He blesses us.

Pastor Charles Stanley, in his message on God acting on our behalf when we wait on Him, answers the following question: What is the reason for waiting?
  1. He is readying the circumstances for us. When God told Joshua to march 7 times around the city of Jericho, God was not getting Israel ready but the people of Jericho ready to be defeated. God was destroying their sense of courage and ability. The longest and hardest moment is when you must wait. David could have killed Saul twice and become king. But he had to wait 10 years, and while he was waiting, Saul was chasing him to kill him. David knew the time would be right, so he refused to step ahead of God. You never go wrong waiting on the Lord. The purpose is always for our good when we wait on the Lord.
  2. He is purifying our motives. We miss God when our motivation is not right. So, God makes us wait. He gets the circumstances right and our motives right.
  3. He is teaching us to trust Him. If God gave us what we asked for immediately, we would not need to trust Him. Trust and wait. God is not going to miss any details. He will give you His best when you trust Him. "Your unwillingness to wait on God is your declaration to God, 'I do not trust You!' If you trusted Him, you would wait."
  4. He is protecting us. We do not always see the outcome, but He does.
  5. We make our greatest impact when we wait on God. Waiting on God sends a wonderful testimony of the reality of God and trustworthiness of God. You win, and the people around you win.
Read this quote from Pastor Stanley one more time: "Your unwillingness to wait on God is your declaration to God, 'I do not trust You!' If you trusted Him, you would wait." That is so powerful and convicting.

When we wait on the LORD, He protects us. His timing and His direction are perfect. Whatever your desire, if you are willing to wait, you will get what is within God's will for your life. It will be more than you deserve or expect.

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Podcast of the Week

Life Principles: #12: The Key to Continued Peace, Pt. 2

Pastor Danny wraps up his discussion of Dr. Charles Stanley's 12th Life Principle: The Key to Continued Peace.

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Chris Williams