Worshiping with Heaven, Pt. 2

Worshiping with Heaven, Pt. 2

Have you ever felt unworthy of a place you were in? Have you ever felt your appreciation & awe for a place enhanced by your own feeling of unworthiness?

Worshiping with Heaven, Pt. 2

This week's devotions are written by my friend Jessica Hermann, former director of our college ministry at Great Hills Baptist Church.
- Pastor Danny
Have you ever felt unworthy of the place you were in? On our honeymoon, my sweet husband and I stayed at a 5 star hotel in Tenerife, in the Spanish Canary Islands. We had a private little villa with amazing service, our own private pool, and the most beautiful views. This was our "once-in-a-lifetime vacation". We are not fancy people, and we almost always opt for the cheapest option of everything. But we decided to splurge on this special vacation. The whole time, however, I was feeling such strong imposter syndrome. I felt uncomfortable at times with how the amazing staff waited on us hand and foot. I was constantly saying, "Oh, we're not the kind of people who come to a place like this!" I had a very awkward moment with a waitress at breakfast where we were both heading through the same door, and we both kept insisting that the other go first. Eventually it dawned on me that it was in her job description to let me go first, and she was expected to always yield to the guests. I gave in, thanked her, and reluctantly walked through the door.

Although I know we had paid the same amount as everyone else to be there, I couldn't help but feel out of place. However, I believed that I enjoyed the experience more because of this very fact. Because I was not used to being in such nice places, I appreciated every little thing more. In my perspective, it was good that I felt this way because it led to greater appreciation and awe. This is not to say that you cannot be appreciative if you frequently enjoy nice things, but my wonder and enjoyment was certainly increased through my feeling of unworthiness.

In a much greater way, John tells us that the 24 elders in Revelation 4 responded to the worship from the four creatures we looked at yesterday by worshiping God too. In verse 10, John recalls how the 24 elders would lay their crowns down before the throne of God and say:

"Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created." (Revelation 4:11)

At the sight of the Lord Almighty, these elders, who some say represent the Church, recognize the supreme worth of God. They recognize that they are not worthy of glory or honor or power, so they lay down their crowns at the feet of the only One who is. "Worthy are you," they say. The God who created them, and everything else that has ever been created, is supremely worthy of all worship. What a beautiful act of praise to say, "God I am not worthy, but you are!"

In a culture that always wants to uplift and promote self, may I encourage you today to recognize your standing before a holy God? Consider your sinfulness and what your state would be without Christ. It is good to feel the reality of this sometimes, that it may lead us to marvel at God, who is sinless, holy, and worthy of all that we are not. May your own brokenness without the redemption of Christ lead you to the utmost appreciation and love and worship for our Lord and God.

Let's use the words of Revelation to prompt our prayers again today:
Father, you are worthy of all glory and honor and power. I am not. So I lay down everything I have at your feet and recognize you as supremely worthy. As John the Baptist once said, may you increase and I decrease. It was by your own will that you created everything, including me. Thank you for everything you have created and for how you created me and are still shaping me to be like Jesus. Amen.

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Podcast of the Week

Lessons from Jim Cymbala and the Brooklyn Tabernacle, Pt. 2

Pastor Danny shares more about his recent trip to Brooklyn, NY, where he was part of a group of 50 pastors from Texas who visited the Brooklyn Tabernacle and spent some time with Pastor Jim Cymbala. It was an exciting and refreshing two days for Pastor Danny, so he wants to share all about what happened and what he learned.

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Chris Williams