Samson, Pt. 1: Created for Great Purpose (Judges 13:1-5)

Samson, Pt. 1: Created for Great Purpose

This week, we will be studying the life of Samson; specifically,
the consequences of compromising an assignment.

Samson, Pt. 1: Created for Great Purpose
(Judges 13:1-5)

This week's devotions are written by my friend Daniel VanCleave, Young Adult Pastor at Great Hills Baptist Church.
- Pastor Danny
As a 19-year-old, I completed an Airframe Mechanics Certification at South Georgia Tech and was immediately hired by Ayres Corporation. My job was to modify 747 engine cowlings for a hush-kit installation. The kit was the FAA's attempt to make the big birds quieter. My supervisor allotted a 40-hour turnaround time to complete the modification. Basically, I had no more than five work days to complete each assignment. Did you know that every Christian is both created for a great purpose and allotted a lead time to complete their assignment?

This week, we will be studying the life of Samson; specifically, the consequences of compromising an assignment. The Book of Judges, in chapters 13-16, covers Samson's disturbing and violent story. It is fraught with sin, rebellion, war, compromise, failure, and defeat. But when you think about Judges, don't imagine a courtroom with black-robed justices wielding gavels from an elevated bench. Biblical judges were regional political military leaders, more like tribal chiefs. Samson ruled for about 20 years and is the last of the book's 12 judges.

Judges 13:1 describes Israel's disobedient state: "And the people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of the LORD." This verse captions Samson's life and the book of Judges very well. The same could be said of many churches in America today. It is a terrible thing to exchange the precepts of God's Word for personal preference. As a result of national sin, God allowed the Israelites to be subjugated by their enemies.

Verse 2 tells us, "There was a certain man of Zorah, of the tribe of the Danites, whose name was Manoah. And his wife was barren and had no children." Zorah is in the eastern foothills of the valley of Sorek. Samson was promised to a baron woman whose name is not recorded. Being barren in those days was considered by many to be a curse from God. Children were parents' social security. Notice that God is the only one who can open the womb. Samson's name is mentioned 39 times in the Bible and means "sunshine". While mama's little sunshine would have unparalleled physical strength, he would prove to be spiritually weak.

"Therefore be careful and drink no wine or strong drink, and eat nothing unclean, for behold, you shall conceive and bear a son. No razor shall come upon his head, for the child shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb, and he shall begin to save Israel from the hand of the Philistines" (vv. 4-5). Samson's mom is to take careful prenatal care: no alcohol, no grapes, no food that is unclean or bad. Why? Because doing so will affect Samson. Numbers chapter 6 details the Nazarite vow and how it forbids going near a dead body. Samson was not to visit the barber shop either. Samson was consecrated before his conception and purposed to be a savior for Israel.

As an Airframe Mechanic, I could not be lazy, chase rabbits, or slack around! Neither could I wait until day 5 to begin working. I had to act in the lead time that I was given, modify the cowling, and send it off to the paint booth. Every Christian is called to a specific purpose and to a life of faithfulness to God. We are given a lead time in which to complete our job. Are you fulfilling your calling? Read 2 Peter 1:3-15 and make a list of the promises and qualities that are gifted by God. How can you faithfully practice them and complete your assignment?

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Podcast of the Week

REvangelical Rewind: Motivation, Grit,
& Leadership, with Rob Daniel, Pt. 1

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show his friend and vice-chairman of the DFEA board, Rob Daniel. Rob is one of the top motivational speakers and trainers for Keller Williams Realty, and he and Danny have been friends since 1998, when Danny served as the pastor of Rob's church in Virginia. Rob is also an avid runner and Iron Man triathlete, which he and Danny share in common. Tune in to hear about Rob's fascinating life and testimony and be inspired!

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Chris Williams