He is Enough

He is Enough

Our God knows what we need, and He knows when we need it. God is sovereign over every aspect of our lives, and He provides in His perfect timing.

He is Enough

This week's devotions are written by my friend Jessica Hermann, former director of our college ministry at Great Hills Baptist Church.
- Pastor Danny
Happy Thursday!

Praise the Lord! We serve the one true God and King who is both great and gracious! May we continue in our worship of Him today by reading the next three verses in Psalm 145. Let's journey together to see what Psalm 145:14-16 reveals about God.

14 The Lord upholds all who are falling
     and raises up all who are bowed down.
15 The eyes of all look to you,
     and you give them their food in due season.
16 You open your hand;
     you satisfy the desire of every living thing.

As I study this passage, the words "upholds", "raises", and "satisfy" testify to my heart about how God is enough. He is enough for me. He is enough for you. He is both great enough and gracious enough to sustain and satisfy your soul and every need.

This truth points me to the work of Jesus on the cross. It was enough. We are saved by grace through faith, and His grace is enough for us. Salvation is not God's grace plus our being good enough. He is enough, and His grace is enough.

David remarks here that God gives those in need their food. But he also remarks that He gives it to them in due season. All the creatures of the earth depend on God to provide what they need. Up and down the food chain, all are dependent on God to create and sustain life. Even animals, who do not grow and cultivate their own food, are provided it by the Lord. He does this in His time, which is always the right time.

Furthermore, this truth extends beyond food. Our God knows what we need, and He knows when we need it. God is sovereign over not just our physical needs, but also our relational, emotional, and spiritual needs. What do you feel you are lacking today? Do you trust God to provide it? Moreover, do you trust God to provide it when He knows it is the right time? Not only is God faithful to provide, His timing of when He brings provision is also perfect. But remember that His timeline might not match your preference. Remember that God is gracious and kind to give you His best in His perfect timing.

I learned a valuable tool for applying a Scriptural passage to your own life from a video by author Jen Wilkin. After you have studied a passage and understand what it says and what it means, you should move on to ask how it should change you. You can think about this by considering four spheres of life, represented by the acronym "PAST". "PAST" stands for Prayers, Actions, Speech, and Thinking. For example: How could the truth that God is enough change the way you pray, act, speak and think? For me, knowing that God is enough causes me to bring all my needs to God in prayer because I know He is the One who satisfies. My actions start to change because I am less likely to run to anything other than God to help me cope with life's challenges. My speech gradually becomes more full of praise and more void of complaints and concerns. My thinking becomes more and more sanctified, and I doubt less and less if the Lord really knows best.

How could the truth that God is enough change your "PAST"?

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Podcast of the Week

REvangelical Rewind:
Pastor Daryl Horton on Racial
Reconciliation & Ministry in the US

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show Pastor Daryl Horton, Lead Pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Austin, TX. Pastor Daryl is also Chairman of Christ Together Greater Austin, a friend of Pastor Danny's, and a board member of DFEA, so Pastor Danny wanted to bring him on the show to discuss his story, passions, racial reconciliation, and the future of ministry in the US.

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Chris Williams