Happy Tuesday!
As we remember what we studied yesterday, how we worship the one true God and King, let's continue reading Psalm 145. Today let's consider Psalm 145:3-7:
3 Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised,
and his greatness is unsearchable.
4 One generation shall commend your works to another,
and shall declare your mighty acts.
5 On the glorious splendor of your majesty,
and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.
6 They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds,
and I will declare your greatness.
7 They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness
and shall sing aloud of your righteousness.
As I study the Bible, I have a color code that I use to mark different things that I observe. For instance, I use a purple pen to mark all of the attributes of God that I see in a passage. As I studied today's passage, there was a lot of purple on my page!
Words like "great", "might","majesty", "wondrous", and "awesome" stand out to me in these verses. God's greatness is the main thrust of this section. Did you notice how a form of the word "great" is used four times in these verses? When you see a word repeated as you study the Scriptures, you should take notice! (I mark repetition in green pen). The author is clearly trying to draw your attention to something when it is repeated.
I have seen the greatness of God in my life. He is greater than the physical world He created. While I used to trust in science alone as an atheist, God has made His greatness over creation known to me. Where I used to suffer from constant and deep depression, I have seen how the power of God is greater than the power of despair, how the hope we have in Christ is greater than the very real struggles of this life. I have seen how God is greater than sin and how my temptations to sit in feelings of bitterness can be overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit changing my heart.
God is greater than temptation.
God is greater than sin.
God is greater than fears.
God is greater than doubts.
God is greater than all His enemies.
God is greater than darkness.
Whatever weighs on your heart today, rest in the greatness of your God and King who Is mighty and wonderful in all His works. Nothing is too big for Him. He is great.