Happy Monday! A few months ago I had the privilege of sharing with you lessons that the Lord has taught me over the last year and a half living in Germany. I'm so honored to be back with you again sharing this week's devotions.
This time, I felt led by the Lord to walk through a passage of Scripture with you that the Lord has used to lead me to worship Him in this season of life. Psalm 145 is a beautiful passage of Scripture in which so much is revealed about God. It is truly a psalm of praise. So this week we will walk verse by verse through Psalm 145 and trace a few things that it has to teach us. More specifically, we will seek what the passage has to teach us about God Himself.
I have a Bible study method that I use to teach the women I disciple how to study the Bible. After reading and praying, the very first thing that we look for in a passage is attributes of God. There are so many things to observe in a passage of Scripture, so you may ask, "Why start there?"
The Bible is a book about God. This sounds obvious but is perhaps easily forgotten. As we seek application of a particular passage, may it always be in the front of our minds that while the Bible does have a lot of say about us, it is primarily a book about God. So it is fitting that the first thing we seek when studying a passage of Scripture is what it has to reveal to us about God - His character, His acts, His heart, etc.
Psalm 145 certainly has a lot of say about God. Let's begin the week by reading Psalm 145:1-2:
1 I will extol you, my God and King,
and bless your name forever and ever.
2 Every day I will bless you
and praise your name forever and ever.
These two verses provide a foundation for the rest of the psalm. The foundation for all the praise that the psalmist will cry is based on the truth that the One he is praising is truly God and King, and since He is God and King, He is worthy of all our praise. But the psalmist takes it a step further and calls Him "my God and King". Now, God is God, whether or not we acknowledge Him as such, but this declaration from David, the writer, is a confession of allegiance. It is a submission to follow God and a joyful reminder of who this God is that you serve. Choosing not to follow Him as God or submit to Him as King will not change His place as both, but it will drastically change us.
What comfort we can take that this God we serve, this God we pray to, is the King of all eternity! We will praise Him "forever and ever" because He is forever and ever. Take comfort in that today, friend. He is the God and King of all eternity, and you can trust your future to Him.
Can you say that God is your God and your King? If not, you can place your faith in Him today and follow Him. If yes, how would it change the way you live today, remembering that the God of eternity is your God and King?