"And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all."
(Mark 10:44)
In their book, BLESS, brothers Dave and Jon Ferguson share the inspirational story of how a couple loved and ministered to their neighbors. Brooke and Justin had prayed for neighbors they could connect with and serve. God sent Lauren and Quentin. Brooke and Justin befriended their new neighbors, had them over for a cookout, and Justin even cut their grass. One day, Lauren asked Brooke why she and her husband were so kind? Brooke shared how Jesus Christ had changed their lives. A little later, Lauren informed Brooke that she and Quinton had decided to no longer rent the house they were living in. They decided to buy the house, and one of the main reasons was their friendship! Weeks later, Quentin told Justin that his uncle had recently died, and he had questions about what happens to a person when they die. This led to a lengthy spiritual conversation, after which, Quentin prayed to receive Christ. (See BLESS, pages 82-83.)
I love this story. Brooke and Justin learned firsthand the genius of Jesus' teaching. They were blessed because they took the less traveled road of humble service. Serving their neighbors gave them a wonderful opportunity to share Christ with them.
Jesus, our leader, King, Savior, and Lord, has taught and shown us what it means to be a servant. This was very different from the world in which He lived and is very different from our own today. Servanthood is countercultural, to say the least! In the world's estimation of greatness, the way up is to outwork everyone else, step on whoever gets in your way, position and jockey for the best seats, get your name out there, and promote yourself. The end game is not to serve but rather to be served.
But we read Jesus' words of instruction and His powerful example of serving. To be first or truly successful in the eyes of God means we become slaves to others. The Greek word translated "slave" in Mark 10:44 is doulos. It was the lowliest of jobs. It refers to those who performed menial household tasks and duties.
Pray for your neighbors and colleagues who do not have a relationship with God. Get to know them, listen to their hopes, dreams, hurts, etc. Then share a meal with them or spend time with them over coffee. Serve them and share Jesus with them.