S is for Serve, Pt. 3

S is for Serve, Pt. 3

Serving gives us a great platform from which to share our faith.
It breaks down barriers and softens the hearts of those we help.

S is for Serve, Pt. 3

"Yet it shall not be so among you."

(Mark 10:43)

Richard Stearns has quite a story. Richard's objective in life was to get a good education and make lots of money. He had no desire for God. He graduated from Ivy League Cornell University with a degree in neurobiology and an MBA from the prestigious Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. There were people in his life that tried to share Christ with him, but he was very arrogant and resistant to the Gospel. Between college and graduate school, though, Richard began to read about Christianity. One night, he read a book by the noted scholar John Stott entitled, Basic Christianity. He was captivated by what he read and did not put the book down until 7 hours later at 4:00 a.m.! The next day, he bought a dozen books on history, theology, and science. His friend, Renee, who had been witnessing to him, encouraged him to read the Bible. A few months later, as Richard recounts in his book, "I fell to my knees and said, 'My Lord and my God.' I asked to be forgiven for my arrogance and unbelief, and I committed my life from that forward to the service of Christ." (The Hole in Our Gospel, p. 83-84)

Richard and Renee got married, and he went on to have a successful career in business. He became the president of Parker Brothers Games and then the president and CEO of Lenox. But at the height of his professional career, God called him to leave it all behind and become the president of World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization. He knew that God was calling him to walk away from a huge salary, take a 75% pay cut, and give up other amenities, like his Jaguar automobile. Finally, after much struggle, he said yes to God, and the rest is history.

Richard details his life and ministry in his book, The Hole in Our Gospel, an excellent and incredibly convicting book. The reason this book is so challenging is, the level of commitment of men like Richard is so far beyond where most of us find ourselves. But instead of bringing shame, I hope his example is a motivation for you to serve God with full abandonment and give Him your very best in service to Christ and your fellow man.

Though it is only eight words, the message of Jesus at the beginning of Mark 10:43 speaks profoundly to my heart and challenges me: "Yet it shall not be so among you." God calls His people, followers of Jesus, to live a life of service. He may not ask you to leave your current occupation and serve in a local church or a non-profit ministry, and there is nothing wrong with that. If He leaves you where you are, rest assured, God wants you to serve Him well, wherever you work and live.

Serving gives us a great platform from which to share our faith. It breaks down barriers and softens the hearts of those we help. Try it this week. Go out of your way to live like Jesus lived, and see what kind of opportunities God opens for you to talk to others about Him.

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Podcast of the Week

Winning the Battle in Your Mind, Pt. 9

Pastor Danny continues his series on overcoming fear, anxiety, depression, and other mental struggles, which are now more prevalent than ever before.

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Chris Williams