"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
God has a plan for every person. His will for your life is to adopt you into His forever-family, for you to turn from your sins and receive Jesus Christ by faith (2 Peter 3:9). Once you make that most important decision and commitment, God has a blueprint for your life. He has a well-tailored masterpiece of a plan just for you. He wants you to know His will for your life even more than you want to know it.
God has only your best interests at heart. He knows what you should be doing with your life. He has a destiny for you that only you can fulfill. It is a life well lived, a life where you bring Him glory and He bestows wonderful blessings on you.
Are you seeking the Lord's will for a particular area of your life? We all have seasons where we have major decisions that we need to make. You may be waiting on the Lord to give you a clear directive. Waiting is never easy, but at times, it is necessary. Allow me to encourage you with this: while you may not have heard clearly yet what your next step is in a particular area of your life, there is clear teaching in God's Word for what you and I should be doing. In fact, the Bible tells us what God's general will is for all of us, and it is found in 1.Thessalonians 5:16-18: "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (Emphasis added.)
How well are you rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks to God? You may not feel like doing any of this, but God clearly commands us to do so. As we are obediently engaging in what we know to be God's will, He will show us the other areas of His will that are not as clear. Let me encourage you to keep on being faithful to the Lord in your relationship to Him. God is so good to us. He loves us and desires the very best for us.
His plans for you are not only good, but His plans also are best. You may be currently seeking the Lord in a major area of your life, a decision that will impact the rest of your days here on earth. Waiting is never easy. Hang in there; be patient and diligent. His timing is perfect; He is never late nor early. He is perfectly on time! Let us keep being faithful to Jesus with our hands on the plow of the assignment He has given to us. He will reveal the clear path in His time.