I appreciate all the hard work that one of our DFEA team members, Chris Williams, put into this book. Chris is the CEO of Podsworth Media and produces all the podcasts and devotions for DFEA. Chris worked diligently in getting this new resource to as many people as would like to have it. Thank you, Chris, for all your hard work! Ashley and I appreciate you very much.
Have you ever worked on something; I mean, put a lot of effort into a project? How did you feel when you were finished? It is such a great feeling to finish a project on which you labored so diligently and exerted great effort. It is always so rewarding when all the work comes to fruition and you can say, "Thank You, Lord, for helping me; it is done!"
There is coming a day when we will finish our race here on earth. For followers of Jesus Christ, what a great day that will be to see Him face to face. Whether we are alive when He returns or close our eyes in death, either way, we will be with the Lord forever. What a day! At that moment, I want to look into the eyes of my Savior and tell Him how much I love Him, and I would also like to be able to say, "Lord, I gave You my all and used the gifts You gave me for your glory and the furtherance of the Kingdom of God."
All of us will appear before Jesus Christ. If you do not know Jesus as your Savior and Lord, I plead with you to give your life to Him today. Do not wait! Do not waste another moment! Meet Him as your friend now so you do not meet Him as your judge then. For those of you who know and are walking with Jesus, keep going! It will be worth it all. To hear the Lord say,
"Well done, my good and faithful servant," wow, what a blessed moment that will truly be!
I hope you enjoy the free eBook. If you know someone whom it would encourage, ask them to go to
dfea.com and sign up for our free daily devotions so they can receive both of these resources. I am praying that thousands of people read
Winning the Battle in Your Mind and be greatly blessed.