Pleasant Words

Pleasant Words

Pleasant and encouraging words are in short supply in our world today.
Most do not take the time to speak words of kindness and affirmation to others.

Pleasant Words

"Pleasant words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the bones."

(Proverbs 16:24)

I have always heard how amazing the San Diego Zoo is. Now, I understand why. Ashley and I visited the zoo last week while we were in California to attend the annual pastors conference and meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention. We took a day to drive to the zoo, then over to La Jolla (more about that tomorrow), and then back to Anaheim. The zoo is rated as one of the best in the world, and rightfully so. There is so much to see and experience. We had a great time. The first thing we did upon entering the zoo was to ride a bus for 35 minutes. Now, you know it is a large zoo if they have double-decker buses that constantly give people rides so they can see all the fascinating creatures who live there. After the bus tour, I passed by the tour guide, a young lady in her twenties. As Ashley and I got off the bus, I simply told her how much I enjoyed the tour and that she did a great job. Her face lit up. You could tell our short and sincere compliments made her day.

Pleasant and encouraging words are in short supply in our world today. Most do not take the initiative or time to speak words of kindness and affirmation to others. I know I miss many opportunities to speak pleasant words to others as well. Why is that? I think there are several reasons why. Most are so consumed with their own burdens and problems that they do not slow down long enough to acknowledge the good in others; some are too self-centered to compliment another, and some simply do not understand how powerful words are, and that by blessing another, they can impart much hope and value to that person.

Our biblical text for today's devotion teaches us that pleasant words are like the honeycomb. Like honey to the lips, our words have the power to sweeten another person's life. As honey can physically invigorate us and give strength to our weary bones to keep moving, so our words can inspire the weary soul and motivate him or her to not give up and keep going.

Proverbs 18:21 says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Isn't that amazing? We can bring death or life by the very words that come from our hearts and exit through our mouths. How will you use that power today?

I hope you will go out of your way to speak kind and complimentary words to people you encounter today. Speak wholesome, edifying words to your friends and family, as well as strangers. Watch what happens to their faces. They will brighten up, just like our kind tour bus driver at the San Diego Zoo.

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Podcast of the Week

Winning the Battle in Your Mind, Pt. 5

Pastor Danny continues his series on overcoming fear, anxiety, depression, and other mental struggles, which are now more prevalent than ever before.

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Chris Williams