Truth Declarations, Pt. 1

Truth Declarations, Pt. 1

This week in our devotions, we will focus on Romans 8 and the powerful
truths from God's Word that empower us to overcome the lies we all face.

Truth Declarations, Pt. 1

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

(Romans 8:28)

Pastor Craig Groeschel shares openly about his own struggles with discouragement in his new book, Winning the War in Your Mind. After he failed his ordination council meeting, he drove home in tears. He was married, finished college, and was about halfway through seminary. He had those horrible feelings of inadequacy pouring back in his life. He writes, "The voices roared loudly, 'You aren't enough! You will never be enough! You will never measure up!'" Then he felt this hurtful message ringing loudly in his head, "You don't have what it takes." He goes on to write:
"Driving home in my red Geo Prism, I felt dejected, embarrassed, and angry. Devastated. How can I explain to my wife that I didn't make the cut? How can I face my pastor? My friends? My classmates? The church where I serve? The tears flowed as every possible negative thought played on repeat.

"But then a strange thing happened.

"Suddenly, a different voice interrupted the others. God spoke. He spoke to me. While not audible, the words somehow seemed louder than any physical voice I had ever heard.

"In that moment, my heavenly Father said, 'You are not who others say you are. You are who I say you are. And I say you are called to ministry.'"
(p. 16)

I am currently preaching a series of messages in our church entitled, Winning the Battle in Your Mind. I am grateful for the positive feedback that I have heard from many. I am glad to know that it is helping. I need help in this area. I am growing and implementing the principles I am teaching you. I am not telling you, "Do as I say but not as I do." Let us all do as God says in His Word so we can have victory over fear and worry, a victory He assures us is ours if we follow Him and do what He tells us in His Word, the Bible.

This week in our devotions, we will focus on Romans 8 and the powerful truths from God's Word that empower us to overcome the lies we all face. For those who are cruising in the sunshine of mental health and enjoying peace of mind, I am happy for you; I am glad you have learned how to replace the lies the devil tells you, others tell you, or even the lies you tell yourself. You have learned to replace those lies with the truth of God, take thoughts captive to Jesus, and obtain the victory that is in Christ. Way to go! The rest of us are in progress, and we have a little further to go. But we are here. We are in the game. We have good days and bad. We may take 3 steps forward and then 2 steps back, but we are progressing.

Many of you are in the valley and need some guidance and a way out. Lies are the cage we get trapped in. The key out of the cage is truth. Lies cannot stand in the presence of the truth. Like a light turned on in a dark room, the darkness flees. It cannot stand in the presence of something greater than itself, the light.

Read Romans 8:28 and ponder the powerful truth that God is speaking to you. Take heart. He means what He says, and "all things" means all things.

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Podcast of the Week

Believe For It

Pastor Danny shares a special message about the amazing fact that the power of God resides inside each and every one of us who is in Christ. He expounds upon what exactly this means and why it should fill us with hope and allow us to walk in victory.

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Chris Williams