Truth Declarations, Pt. 2

Truth Declarations, Pt. 2

Many of you are overrun with defeat. Your mind is the battlefield, flooded
with enemy troops, and you have given up the high ground. Take it back.

Truth Declarations, Pt. 2

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

(Romans 8:28)

I love Jesus' words when He said in John 8:32, "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Truth overcomes lies every time. Unfortunately, we listen more to the lies the devil tells us than the truth that God speaks to us. I am guilty of this, and that is why I must constantly stay in God's Word. I must do as the psalmist said in Psalm 119:11, "Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You."

There are a few TV shows Ashley and I enjoy watching. In a recent episode of The Good Doctor, there was a young lady whose parents died when she was only 12 years of age. She and her older brother were left alone. She started a business and became a millionaire at the age of 18, but soon her life spiraled out of control. She had an accident and dealt with pain for years in her neck and head, which caused her to become very depressed. There was a risky neurosurgery she could undergo to fix the problem, and with her brother's blessing, she had the surgery. She awoke from the surgery and said, "I feel different, something is missing: pain." What the surgeons did for her brain and body with a physical scalpel. I pray that God uses the sharp and powerful scalpel of His Word to bring healing to your mind.

Many of you are overrun with defeat. Your mind is the battlefield; it has been flooded with enemy troops, and you have given up the high ground. You feel the pain, the mental anguish that is a vicious cycle that leads you to addictions, harmful responses, outrage, or hurting others and yourself, whether through cutting or some other hurtful behavior. But that needs to change. It can change. You can gain peace of mind, a wholeness that has eluded you most of your life.

This week, we are looking at what I am calling "truth declarations". I will share with you some of my truth declarations of which I have to remind myself in times of temptation, discouragement, or when vulnerable to give way to destructive lies. One of the most important things I can tell you today is this: for each lie, for every temptation to think something you should not, to say or do something you will regret, for each one, there is a truth from God that can overpower the temptation to sin in your mind, mouth, and actions. That is the most liberating and powerful thing I can share with you today. Victory and freedom are there for the taking and enjoyment.

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Podcast of the Week

Believe For It

Pastor Danny shares a special message about the amazing fact that the power of God resides inside each and every one of us who is in Christ. He expounds upon what exactly this means and why it should fill us with hope and allow us to walk in victory.

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Chris Williams