The Biggest Decision

The Biggest Decision

The Apostle John compares life on this earth and eternity. The world and
its lust are passing away, but those who do God's will live forever with Him.

The Biggest Decision

"And the world is passing away, and the lust of it;
but he who does the will of God abides forever."

(1 John 2:17)

An advertisement from the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) frequently pops up when I am on Facebook. It reads: "This decision will affect every decision." Basically, the WSJ is telling me that if I subscribe to their journal, then my life will be much better. My knowledge will increase to the point that I will be more intelligent and highly informed. As a result, I will live a prosperous life, or something like that. I must admit, it is a catchy slogan. It reminds me of the catchphrase at the University of Texas in Austin. It reads, "What happens here changes the world." Now, that is pretty good and memorable.

As good as the WSJ and UT slogans are, they fall short on one very important point: they do not prepare you for eternity. I have no doubt that daily reading the WSJ or getting a degree from the University of Texas would enhance my chances of prosperity in this life. But there is so much more to this life on earth. There is an eternity that all of us will face. We will either spend an eternity in God's presence in heaven or away from His presence in hell.

Jesus spoke often about hell and the afterlife. The following statement by Christ is a memorable and penetrating one: "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Mark 8:36-37) I have heard people say this often, "You only go around once." But that is only partially true. I heard a person say this one time, and before I could think about it, I responded and said, "True, in this life." The person just looked at me strangely. We only go around once in this life on earth, this temporary life. But when we die, we enter our forever home, and what is so amazing is this: the decision we make in this life about Jesus Christ determines where we will live forever.

In today's biblical text, the Apostle John compares life on this earth and eternity. The world and its lust are passing away, but those who do God's will live forever, and the implication here is that we will live forever in heaven. Praise God, what a wonderful thought!

Do you know for sure what your eternal address will be? Will you live forever in a place of torment, apart from God and all that is beautiful? Or will you live with God in heaven because you believed in Jesus and gave your life to Him? I have great news for you: if you do not know Christ, you can get to know Him right now! The Bible says whoever calls on Jesus' name will be saved (Romans 10:13). If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, then you will be saved (Romans 10:9).

C.T. Studd said, "Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last."

Call upon Jesus now to save you.

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Podcast of the Week

Interview with Chad Fugitt

Pastor Danny welcomes his friend Pastor Chad Fugitt of Ormsby Heights Baptist Church in Louisville, KY, to share his powerful testimony of how God saved him, both spiritually and physically, from brain cancer.

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Chris Williams