"The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the Lord has made them both."
(Proverbs 20:12)
In October last year, I had a surgical procedure on my left eye called Refractive Lens Exchange. My original lens was removed, and a new one was placed on my eye. One eye doctor told me I have a bionic eye! (I thought of Steve Majors and the Bionic Man TV show from years ago.) This is the same surgery one has when cataracts are removed. My surgery was elective, and now I no longer wear contact lenses or reading glasses. In a few months, I plan to get the same surgery on my right eye.
Dr. Steven Dell (brother to Michael Dell of Dell Computers) performed my eye surgery. He is one of the best in the nation. Dr. Ming Wang sent Dr. Dell a personal email asking him to take me on as a patient, and Dr. Dell did. I was told, however, by Dr. Dell and his associate, Dr. Cunningham, that in time, I would need a follow up surgery to remove a cloudy substance on my eye that would hamper my vision. This surgery is called YAG. For those interested, here is more information: