"Do you not say, 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!"
(John 4:35)
Flying back to Austin last week, I was again bumped up to first class. I was not disappointed in the least! Flying first class on an airplane is a real treat. To get back to Austin, TX however, I flew from Springfield, MO all the way north to Chicago, IL. I know, it seems like a long way to get home, but that was the route. Flying from Chicago, I sat next to a man who was not too interested in talking to me. So, I read a good bit of Craig Groeschel's excellent new book, Winning the War in Your Mind. (I highly recommend it!)
While sitting in Row 1, Seat E, the first seat on the plane, I noticed something that I had never witnessed before. The two airline stewards took the beverage cart and put it in front of them while they stood right outside the cockpit door. I watched as the door opened quickly and the steward gave the pilot his meal. I realized what was happening. I have never seen the cockpit door open during a flight since 9-11, but then again, I rarely fly first class. The two stewards were taking every precaution to make sure those pilots in the cockpit were safe. If someone tried to get into the cockpit and cause harm, he would have a very difficult if not impossible time doing so. He would have to barge through the heavy cart, overpower the two airline stewards, get past the air Marshall, and avoid people like me who would tackle anyone trying to do such a thing.
What if we exerted that much effort in seeking to win people to Jesus? We go to great lengths, and so we should, to protect ourselves and others from physical harm. I want to encourage you to expend much energy and creativity in reaching lost people who will spend eternity in a Christless eternity called hell. The harvest is so plentiful, and the laborers are few. Jesus promises to go with us and empower us if we will only step out in faith and tell others the good news.
I was so proud of my wife, Ashley, last week when she shared Jesus with one of our neighbors. She sent the following text to our family thread: