"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?' Then I said, 'Here am I! Send me.'"
(Isaiah 6:8)
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Today, I will conclude sharing my journal entries from my recent mission trip to Asia and then close out with some final reflections.
M told me that there were ladies at a house church who had a real desire to reach other women with the Gospel. So, we visited, and I shared a message primarily for them about Lydia and other ladies in the Bible that God used greatly. I closed the message with the story of Lottie Moon. We had such a sweet time of fellowship in this pastor's home with his family. Then we got back on the road and got back to the hotel a little earlier than what we had expected. It was a great day. Thank you Jesus!
Up at 4:45 a.m. On the road again at 6:00 a.m. to meet with some more pastors that M works with. Tom shared and then I spoke for about 30 minutes from Acts 20, Paul's message to the Ephesians elders.
Now M will share with the pastors and ask if they are willing to take on new territories. M wants to go north and reach more of our adopted people group. Further north, however, there is more persecution.
We finished our time in this state with prayer with the pastors and then drove back to the city to rest for a little while. We will head to the airport tonight around 11:30 p.m. to catch a 3:30 a.m. flight to Frankfurt. From there, we have an 11 hour and 40 minute flight to Austin. I am praying we make our connection. We have a one-hour layover in Frankfurt.
God is good. We made our connecting flight! We are home safe and sound!
I will close these ten devotions with some reflections from our trip:
- God has His people, the Church, everywhere. It is amazing that in Asia, where there are so many idols of Hinduism and mosques of Islam, God has His people. They are joyful, kind, and so hospitable.
- I wish every American Christian would go on a mission trip for Jesus to a Third World country. Blessed is putting it mildly: we have so much material wealth and comfort. I've heard 95% of the world's possessions go to 5% of the population. I believe it.
- What a joy it is to go and serve. Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive, and amen; that is so true.
- I love my church, GHBC. It is Jesus' church; I'm just a servant leader.
- Prayer is far more vital and important than we can fathom. I am so grateful for those at GHBC who understand this and pray, both the Warriors on the Wall and SOS Wednesday night prayer meeting attendees.
- More distribution than accumulation. I see one area (my gym membership) that I can do without and give more personally to missions. I am grateful that both GHBC and DFEA give, go, and pray.
- I am so proud of this team. Tom and I went hard and traveled lots of miles together. He's tough, doesn't complain, and has a "let's do it" attitude. The ladies on our team are Jesus-loving people who serve with excellence.
- Getting out of our comfort zones is hard, but what a sweet, peaceful, joyful place to be. Incarnational living is the best.
Thank you for all your prayers and support for our ministry. I hope these devotions have fueled your fire for Jesus and the lost. Pray, give, and go! You will have all eternity to rejoice over the victories but only a short time to win them.