What a Trip! (Pt. 8)

What a Trip! (Pt. 8)

While on our two-week mission trip to Asia, I could literally feel the power of prayer. It was amazing! God truly blessed our team, and I know it was because of the passionate intercessions of many Christians for us.

What a Trip! (Pt. 8)

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?' Then I said, 'Here am I! Send me.'"

(Isaiah 6:8)

All of us are commanded by Jesus to go and make disciples of all the nations of the world (Matthew 28:19-20). There are three primary ways we can do this: pray, give, and go. Some followers of Jesus can do all three, and that is fantastic. I know others, especially elderly saints whose health is not the best, pray and give, and that empowers others to be able to go and serve.

While on our two-week mission trip to Asia, I could literally feel the power of prayer. It was amazing! Our team was so focused on being on-mission with Christ that we hardly thought about things that would normally consume our thoughts and time if we were back home. Last week, I spoke to our mission's director at GHBC, Becky Dean, and she told me, "I want to go back!" God truly blessed our team, and I know it was because of the passionate intercessions of many Christians for us.

Two years ago, we started a prayer meeting we call "SOS" or "Set Our Sails". Last Wednesday was one of the best prayer services we have had. New people came and participated with us. God moved in our midst, and you could just sense the power and presence of the Lord Jesus. I praise the Lord for all the good things happening in our church, and I know it is because God's people are serious about prayer. When we work, we work, but when we pray, God works, and there is a vast difference.

Now for another selection from my Asia mission trip journal:

New day! November 7. Up at 5:30 a.m. Stretch, quiet time, coffee, and get on the road at 7:15.

First stop is with our adopted people group at the home of a pastor, his wife, and their children. This pastor is bi-vocational, meaning he works as a pastor and also has a secular job in the community. He delivers food for a local store. He led two family members to Christ, and M wants me to teach them about baptism. Tom shared, and then I taught about baptism. One of the men who is strongly considering baptism is in his 50's. He asked questions, and I could tell the Lord was working on his heart. He was hesitant to follow through with baptism, because once he is baptized, he knows that people in his community will persecute him. He would be ostracized and ridiculed. He is truly counting the cost.

This bi-vocational pastor had four people ready for baptism, but they were frightened because of persecution, so they canceled. The baptism pool was ready, and when another pastor heard it was available, he said he would go ahead and baptize three who were ready. So cool! After I taught about baptism, we had a good Q&A time. I charged the pastor to make disciples and be looking for the next pastor he can mentor so he too can serve in ministry.

More tomorrow!

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The Blessed Life, Pt. 2

Pastor Danny continues his new series focusing on the topics of stewardship and generosity and how these two practices can transform you into a conduit of God's blessings to others and also bless you more than you ever thought possible.

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Chris Williams