Bless Your Pastor

Bless Your Pastor

Nothing blesses your pastor quite like hearing a specific word of encouragement
that shows them you are listening, engaged, & applying their sermons.

Bless Your Pastor

This week's devotions are written by Andy Spencer, a DFEA board member, entrepreneur, business coach, cattle rancher, founder of Engedi Group, and most of all, my dear friend!
- Pastor Danny
"One who is taught the word must share
all good things with the one who teaches."

(Galatians 6:6, ESV)

It is good to be back with you for the second day of devotionals for Danny Forshee. Danny is a great friend and partner in our ministry to pastors all over the world. My wife and I have had the chance to travel with Danny and his wife Ashley to many places throughout the world. I can tell you that he is the same gospel-spreading pastor no matter where he is in the world. There was even a time that Danny and I were sharing with a Muslim Uber driver in Washington DC. I was in the front seat and began a dialogue with this driver. It became apparent that he was a Muslim. We continued to engage in conversation until he said, "Yeah, Jesus was a pretty good Prophet." At this moment, Danny pulled himself up by the two headrests in the car and started an amazing conversation with this driver. They talked at a high academic level about Jesus, Mohammed, and various Muslim and Christian beliefs. At the end of the conversation, I said, "You know, the world says we should hate each other for our beliefs, but I do not hate you." The driver agreed that he did not hate me either. I then told him that if we could all have this type of conversation, the world would be a much better place. He agreed.

My word of encouragement for you today comes from my third favorite movie, Pure Country, starring George Strait. (You might be thinking to yourself, "What is his favorite movie, then?" The answer is True Grit--both versions.) In Pure Country, George Strait stars as a country music superstar (imagine that). After each performance, his bodyguards say the same thing, "wonderful performance," "best performance ever," and "you really hit it out of the park tonight." How many times do we tell our pastor, "I really liked your sermon"? I would encourage you to make one change: tell your pastor a specific thing or comment you liked from the sermon. I can assure you this will bless and encourage your pastor as they will know you were listening and appreciated their words.

Be sure and check back tomorrow, as I will tell you the ultimate way to encourage your pastor.

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Podcast of the Week

Readings and Homilies in Romans, Pt. 15

Pastor Danny continues his series reading through the book of Romans one chapter at a time and afterwards offering a homily. In this episode, he reads and comments on Romans Chapter 15.

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Chris Williams