Be An Encourager To Your Pastor

Be An Encourager To Your Pastor

Over the next five days, I hope to share some ideas on encouraging and lifting up your pastor.

Be An Encourager To Your Pastor

This week's devotions are written by Andy Spencer, a DFEA board member, entrepreneur, business coach, cattle rancher, founder of Engedi Group, and most of all, my dear friend!
- Pastor Danny
"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart; good news makes for good health."

(Proverbs 15:30)

I am honored to get to write a few devotionals for my friend and pastor, Danny Forshee. My wife Kathy and I have been worshipping at Great Hills Baptist Church since 2003. Danny came to Great Hills Baptist Church in 2010 at the time when I was the chairman of the Personnel Committee and in line to be Chairman of the Deacons. Danny and I jumped into service with both feet, and a genuine friendship developed. I consider Danny one of the finest pastors and leaders that I have ever met.

The Lord has blessed my family and me with a wonderful life and walk with Him. I sold a business eleven years ago, and since then, I have devoted much of my time to encouragement for pastors. Now, I know what you are thinking: "How hard could that be? Everyone loves their pastor." I get a little sad when I realize that not everyone is as nice as they should be to their pastor. It hurts my heart that there is even a need for a pastor encouragement ministry.

Over the next five days, I hope to share some ideas on encouraging and lifting up your pastor. I have been blessed to get to minister to hundreds of pastors all over the world. It is a ministry that I do not take lightly, and I work daily to help and encourage the leaders of our churches.

My first advice on encouraging your pastor comes from Proverbs 15:30: "A cheerful look brings joy to the heart; good news makes for good health." Seems so simple. All I am saying here is "SMILE!" When you are walking into the church building, and you see your pastor…smile! When you are sitting in the service and listening to the sermon…smile! When you see your pastor out in the community…smile! When someone asks you about your pastor…smile! Now, I am not telling you to have a fake grin on your face; simply smile to let your pastor know that you are appreciative of their efforts. Do not sit like an old grump when you are around your pastor.

Just the simple act of smiling will go a long way in making your pastor feel encouraged.

Be sure and read tomorrow's devotional for another helpful word of advice on encouraging your pastor.

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Take your cues from Jesus with Pastor Danny’s book, For the One. Now available as both an eBook and a physical copy, request yours today!

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Podcast of the Week

Readings and Homilies in Romans, Pt. 15

Pastor Danny continues his series reading through the book of Romans one chapter at a time and afterwards offering a homily. In this episode, he reads and comments on Romans Chapter 15.

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Chris Williams