Timothy + Barnabas

Timothy + Barnabas

I love encouraging other pastors and their families. Today I want to share
with you some practical ways you can bless and encourage your pastor.

Timothy + Barnabas

"Therefore comfort each other and edify one another,
just as you also are doing."

(1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Pastor Johnny Hunt has a heart and passion to minister to pastors and their families. I know of no other pastor who has done more to encourage and help pastors who need help.
On Friday last week, I spoke at the Timothy + Barnabas Conference in Branson, Missouri. Here are a couple of pictures from the conference.
One of the blessings of my life and ministry is to come alongside pastors and encourage them and their families. Serving as a local church pastor is the greatest (and, I think, hardest) job/ministry in the world. I still agree with Phillips Brooks who said, "Do not stoop to be a king when God has called you to preach." It should not surprise us that serving as a pastor would be met with so many challenges. Satan hates everything God loves.

I know pastors because I am one. God has blessed Ashley and me to be able to serve four Baptist churches as the senior pastor. I love each one of these dear churches, and we are currently very blessed and honored to serve at Great Hills Baptist Church in Austin, TX. We have served here for just over eleven years. God has been so good to us, and we pray God keeps us here for more years so we can continue the work God has allowed us to do.

Here are some practical ways you can bless and encourage your pastor:
  1. Pray for him and his family. It is the primary way you can support and help him in his calling to serve you.
  2. Accept his strengths and weaknesses. We all have them. There are no perfect people, pastors included!
  3. Speak a word of encouragement to him. You may say, "Well I did that last year, isn't that good enough?" If he is like me and words mean a great deal to him, then encourage him often. He needs it. Trust me. He and his family need every ounce of encouragement you give.
  4. Step up and serve when you see a need. There will be times when your pastor and church leadership will need someone to step in and help. It may not be very glamorous, but when the need surfaces, step up and meet it.
  5. Honor him on special dates like his birthday and church anniversary. Our church does this, and it means a lot to me.
  6. Lastly, treat his family well--especially his wife!
As the Apostle Paul writes in today's Scripture, let all of us comfort and build each other up, especially those that God has called to serve you in your local church.

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Podcast of the Week

Readings and Homilies in Romans, Pt. 14

Pastor Danny continues his series reading through the book of Romans one chapter at a time and afterwards offering a homily. In this episode, he reads and comments on Romans Chapter 14.

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Chris Williams