When God Speaks

When God Speaks

Does God still speak today? We know He spoke very clearly, sometimes audibly,
in the Old & New Testaments. He loves His people and gives us direction.

When God Speaks

"The voice of the LORD is powerful;
The voice of the LORD is full of majesty."

(Psalm 29:4)

Does God still speak today? We know He spoke very clearly, even audibly sometimes, in the Old and New Testaments. He loves His people and never leaves us without a clear message. Yes, God still speaks very clearly and profoundly today. He speaks through His Word, and He instructs us by the Holy Spirit, who lives within all the children of God, those who have believed in Jesus Christ for salvation.

The Psalmist says that the voice of the LORD is powerful and full of majesty. When He speaks, you know that it is God who is speaking. If you have not heard God speak to you recently, let me ask you a couple of questions. Are you spending time with the LORD every day in prayer, meditation, and reading the Bible? If no, then you are not putting yourself in the best possible posture to hear the LORD speak. Are you living in a way that is not pleasing to the LORD? Have you lost your fellowship with Christ? ...His intimacy? Sin does that. God desires that you repent and return to Him. He loves you, and it is His will to lovingly lead you in the paths of righteousness.

I shared with our staff at our church recently how God had on two occasions clearly spoken to me, and though it was not audible, it was surely Him speaking or impressing upon my heart His message to me. In both instances I was at a crossroads and needed a clear word from the LORD. He came through like He always does, and His words to me at those precise times were exactly what I needed to hear. I was 30 years old and was having a tough time concentrating enough to finish writing my PhD dissertation. With my head bowed low in worry, God interrupted me with these three words, and I remember the moment today as if it were yesterday. What did God say? I felt the LORD clearly speak to my heart this simple, declarative sentence: "Write the paper!" His voice was powerful and full of majesty to me in that moment when I really needed to hear from Him. This message was like a swift kick in the rear or a slap in the face! God got my attention and what I needed to do was focus and get busy doing what He had called me to do. So, I put aside the mental clutter and knuckled down and wrote the paper.

God is still speaking today. What is He saying to you?

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Podcast of the Week

Dad Life, Pt. 2

Continuing where we left off last week, Pastor Danny interviews four more godly dads about what it's like being a dad and a husband and trying to raise godly kids in our crazy world. They share powerful testimonies about how God has worked in their lives and their families' lives.

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Matthew Hall