

These days, reflection is a lost art! We, as a culture, constantly want
to look ahead to the next and greatest thing, rather than look back.


This week's devotions are written by my son, Bryant Forshee, Junior High Pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church.
- Pastor Danny
"He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness,
but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration
and renewal of the Holy Spirit."

(Titus 3:5, ESV)

These days, reflection is a lost art! We do not necessarily like to look back and reflect. We, as a culture, constantly want to look ahead to the next and greatest thing. For example, the iPhone 12 came out last week, and everyone seems to be buzzing and excited to get their hands on one. It's not that there is a single thing wrong with the iPhone 11; it's just that the iPhone 12 is new, and people like what's new and now!

Reflection, especially in a "new and now" culture, can lead our hearts to thanksgiving! Reflection takes us back in time for a few moments and allows us to relive memories. For me, one of my most fond memories is playing hide and seek with my brother and sister when we lived in Virginia. We would play around the house and make our giant play-place the all-powerful base! We would jump fences, run really fast, and I am pretty sure Leighton and Hannah cheated, because for some crazy reason, I was always "it" and never caught them!

Reflecting on those memories makes me appreciate my childhood. It makes me appreciate having siblings so close in age. It makes me appreciate and be thankful for my upbringing. Reflection brings about thankfulness!

What does reflection have to do with the basics of the Christian faith? What I want us to do today is to reflect on the very day that gave us an eternal dwelling place, a relationship with God Himself, and the Holy Spirit of God living inside of us. I want us to reflect on the day of our salvation.

What was it like when you got saved? Where were you? What was the setting? Who was with you?

Take a moment and reflect on the day that God saved you, "not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to His own mercy." As that moment begins to flood your mind, I hope and pray that thankfulness is swelling in your heart! We must never get over this fundamental basic of our faith!

Because Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead, we have a relationship with the God of the universe! What a powerful, amazing, awe-inspiring thought! These thoughts and reflections stir up inside of us a thankful and appreciative heart that the God of the universe, in His own love and mercy, gave His Son so that we would have eternal life! Reflect on the moment that you were saved and allow appreciation and thankfulness to flood your heart.

JOURNAL: Grab your journal and write "Salvation" at the top of the page, or put it in your phone in a new note. Take a moment and write down all the things you're thankful for because Jesus saved you!

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Podcast of the Week

Pastor Daryl Horton on Racial Reconciliation & More

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show Pastor Daryl Horton to discuss his story, passions, racial reconciliation, and the future of ministry in the US.
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Matthew Hall