

Good news is fun to share! When we reflect on the salvation of our
own souls, we will WANT to share the Good News with people!


This week's devotions are written by my son, Bryant Forshee, Junior High Pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church.
- Pastor Danny
"Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name;
make known his deeds among the peoples!"

(Psalm 105:1, ESV)

Good News Alert! Recently, Kyndall and I bought a home and a new car!

Now, for the financially savvy people reading this, yes, our budget definitely looks a little different! However, we are PUMPED about both! We moved out of an apartment where we did not have the best experience, and we bought our "Mom" car for the future. The key words in the previous sentence are "for the future". Kyndall is not pregnant! Sorry, Pops and Nay Nay!

Good news is fun to share! Since we bought our house and our car, it has been so fun talking to people about the "goodness" of it. We love questions like, "How do you like your house?" and "How do you like the new car?" Whenever we get those questions, we are excited to share with people the goodness of our situation!

With what we reflected on yesterday, the salvation of our souls, the next basic I want to examine is evangelism. Now, if you grew up in a Christian home, evangelism is something that you have probably heard since childhood. I know that was the case for me. My dad did a dissertation on the subject, so the Forshee family was very familiar with the word evangelism! However, when we view evangelism as a task we "do" instead of something we share, I believe we are missing the point!

When we reflect on the salvation of our own souls, and thanksgiving and appreciation begins to swell in our hearts, we will WANT to share the Good News with people! When we begin sharing what God has done in our lives and sharing what God wants to do in other people's lives, then we will begin to see evangelism become a consistent attribute in our lives. Appreciation for salvation does not make the Gospel conversation whimsical and easy. No, people's eternities are at stake, Satan doesn't like these conversations. However, appreciation and thanksgiving floods your hearts with your own story, filling you with boldness and compassion to see other people experience what you have!

The verse above tells us to be thankful, to ask God for help by calling upon His name, and then "make known his deeds among the peoples." With whom TODAY can you share the amazing Good News of the Gospel? With whom TODAY can you talk about Jesus? With whom TODAY can you present the opportunity to begin a relationship with Jesus? With whom can you SHARE today? To whom can you evangelize?

JOURNAL: Take a moment to look back at the journal entry from yesterday, and then write in your journal, "Who is someone today with whom I can talk about You, Lord?" and watch the Lord give you a divine appointment.

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Podcast of the Week

Pastor Daryl Horton on Racial Reconciliation & More

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show Pastor Daryl Horton to discuss his story, passions, racial reconciliation, and the future of ministry in the US.
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Matthew Hall