Recent Quotes to Inspire You

Recent Quotes to Inspire You

There is so much anxiety in our world today. This week, I will share some
powerful and encouraging quotes with you to lift you up and motivate you.

Recent Quotes to Inspire You

"Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression,
but a good word makes it glad."

(Proverbs 12:25)

This is my favorite of all the proverbs! There is so much anxiety in our world today. Our nation was experiencing a great deal of depression and heartache before COVID-19, and now it seems pain and suffering have kicked into overdrive. What are we to do? Bury our heads in the sands of solitude? Worry ourselves to death? Live in perpetual fear? Look out for ourselves and not concern ourselves with others? None of these are good options. The best thing we can do is love God and love people. Sound familiar? When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was, Matthew 22:37-40 tells us, "Jesus said to him, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.'"

I have jotted down some powerful and encouraging quotes that I have heard recently. This week, I will share them with you in hopes that they inspire you as they have me.

Quote 1: "Step into someone's memory." (Matthew West)

Matthew West said this recently when he was at Great Hills Baptist Church speaking and singing at the Texas Values Faith, Family, and Freedom Forum. He encouraged us to step up and make a difference in someone's life, get involved, and help make things better for them. In doing these things, we become a part of their story and memory. I was very impressed with West. He loves Jesus and his family and is committed to serving God by using the talents God has given him. He lives in Nashville, TN and has written songs for Vince Gill, Rascal Flatts, and others, but he is known most of all for the Christian songs he has written and performs. Some of my favorites are "I'm Just A Nobody", "Hello, My Name is Child of the One True King", "The God Who Stays", The Motions", and "Grace Wins".

West spoke about how, as a writer, he has never had anyone come up to him and tell him how profoundly one of his secular songs has impacted them, but he has had many people tell him how his sacred songs got them through some very trying times.

West spoke openly about the throat surgery he had just when his music career was taking off. He was told he would never sound the same and would sound worse, and it really shook him to the core. He could not sing for ten months. But the surgery was successful, and he said his voice is even stronger and better now!

Oh, and his "Quarantine Life" song has been viewed over 1.3 million times on You Tube and features his wife and two daughters. It is really good and funny as well.
Matthew West - Quarantine Life
How about today you and I step into someone's memory?

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Podcast of the Week

Catherine Renfro of the NAMB on Evangelism

Danny welcomes to the show Catherine Renfro from the North American Mission Board to share her story and her approach to sharing the Gospel with the lost.
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Matthew Hall