But God! (Pt. 3)

But God! (Pt. 3)

I get it: you are fearful and worried about the many calamities
in our world today... but God has all of it under control.

But God! (Pt. 3)

"Therefore we will not fear,
Even though the earth be removed,
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
Though its waters roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with its swelling.

(Psalm 46:2-3)

I have done three interviews recently, one for an article for the Southern Baptist Texan, another for a podcast for a friend of mine in Dallas, Trent Dunham, and one just this last week with the Executive Director for the Kentucky Baptist Convention, Todd Gray. Interestingly, for each one, part of the interview had to do with encouraging others, especially pastors, during these very trying times. Pastors are leading during challenging days that no one saw coming and really could not prepare for. The pandemic, along with all the other natural disasters and societal struggles, has caused much pain. Many times, men and women of God in the ministry have to give and give, and it takes a toll on them and their families. It reminds me of the fire chief I read about who was leading and helping to battle the raging fires in her community in Oregon when she was informed that her own house had burned to the ground.

Perhaps you are reading today's devotional and you feel that way. You are helping others and are in need of replenishing. This week, I am sharing with you some principles that have sustained me and gotten me through hard times. These are both theological and very practical, and I hope you are blessed and encouraged by what you read. These truths can be summed up in two words: "But God." You are running low on strength and hope, but God provides both in abundance.

You are fearful and worried about the many calamities in our world today, but God has all of it under control. I get it. These are unprecedented times for many of us. As I mentioned earlier, we are faced with pressures from the natural world that include fires, storms, and contagions. But I love the way the Psalmists addresses the threats in the natural order of things in our world. Psalm 46:2-3 remind us that no matter what happens, though waters roar or mountains fall into the sea, God is in control and will never leave us.

Oftentimes, God uses the powerful lyrics of anointed songs to lift me up and help me regain a proper perspective. The following song is an example, and I hope you are blessed by Sanctus Real's wonderful song, "Unstoppable God". Take a couple of minutes to listen:
Sanctus Real - "Unstoppable God" (Official Music Video)

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Podcast of the Week

But God!

In the midst of so much suffering, calamity, and hardship in our world today, you may have developed spiritual amnesia and forgotten how awesome God is and how, through Christ, we are more than conquerors. This episode serves to remind us of Who our God is and help us take heart in His power and all He has done for us.
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Matthew Hall