Refresh, and Be Refreshed

Refresh, and Be Refreshed

Have you heard the phrase "compassion fatigue"? A worn out you isn't
helpful to anyone. Here are some tips to recharge your spiritual batteries.

Refresh, and Be Refreshed

"The generous will prosper;
those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed."

(Proverbs 11:25)

Have you heard the phrase "compassion fatigue"? It is when you care so deeply for others in their pain that you become weary due to your empathy for them. I can think of a few professions where this is a definite reality: pastors, counselors, social workers, etc. I have said on many occasions that ministry is hard—if you care. If you possess a cavalier attitude and do not truly empathize with others, then you can avoid compassion fatigue, but you are most likely in the wrong profession.

Over the last several days, I have been heartbroken, literally in tears over some of the devastation some in our church and others I know are currently experiencing. Cancer diagnosis, death from cancer, leukemia diagnosis, porn addictions, and other struggles. As the pastor of a large church and president of a ministry, I hear daily from those who are hurt and need prayer and encouragement. And you know what? I feel so honored that people entrust their care and hurt to me. And I do indeed share it with them. I always try to immediately pray for the person who is asking for prayer.

But there is a danger of becoming overwhelmed by another's hurt to the point where you are incapable of helping and offering support. This happens when the caregiver has neglected his or her own soul. When the gas tank is empty, the car cannot move to the next destination. Likewise, when you and I neglect to refresh our own souls, then we will be in no position to bless and refresh the souls of others. Proverbs 11:17 states, "The merciful man does good for his own soul." How are you doing good for your own soul?

This is not an exhaustive list but hopefully one or two of these will help you put some spiritual gas in your own tank so you can be blessed and be a blessing to others. I offer you the following soul refreshers: take a day off, a sabbath day (which is very biblical, by the way); exercise and sleep 7-8 hours a night; drink lots of water; read the Bible and pray daily (I cannot stress this enough); have good friends with whom you can share your burdens; do something fun that requires very little mental energy (movie, walk, golf, shopping... you get the idea); and compartmentalize the best you can.

Many of you reading this today are wonderful caregivers, counselors, and ministers of the Gospel. Thank you for who you are and what you do to help so many. Please take care of yourself. A worn out you is not helpful to anyone.

Podcast of the Week

An Interview with Don Brock

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show his friend Pastor Don Brock of Gateway Baptist Church in Irmo, South Carolina. You may know Don's son, Mack Brock, founding member of the worship ministry at Charlotte, North Carolina's Elevation Church and highly successful solo music artist. Don shares about how he and Danny met and became friends, his testimony, his ministry, and his family, including how Mack's worship ministry was prophesied!

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Matthew Hall