Happy Day

Happy Day (fixed!)

Recently, I shared with our church family that the best gifts I can give
them are to pray for them and preach the Word of God to them.

Happy Day

"Children are a gift from the Lord;
they are a reward from him."

(Psalm 127:3)

On Sunday, we had our annual Mother's Day baby dedication. I love these times. It is a memorable and blessed time for the parents and for the entire church. We call out the name of the child and his or her parents. As their pastor, I have my picture taken with them on stage, and then I share a verse of Scripture and say a prayer of blessing over the family. Our church loves it as well. You never know what is going to happen, because with babies and children, well, you just never know!

Sunday was extra special for me because one of the children being dedicated to God was Riley Kate Samplaski, daughter of Jeffrey and Hannah Samplaski (my daughter). Riley (a.k.a. Smiley Riley) is my second granddaughter! She is such a sweetie, and we love her so much. Look at those cheeks:
Recently, I shared with our church family that the best gifts I can give them are to pray for them and preach the Word of God to them. I take both responsibilities most seriously. I think the same could be said for parents and grandparents when it comes to their children. If you and I will pray for our family and speak the Word of God to them and over them, then we will bless them far more than anything else we could ever do for them.

For years I prayed for our three children to marry the people God had for them. I also prayed that God would not only bless their future spouses but also their future spouse's families. Wow, did God answer those prayers! Our son-in-law and two daughters-in-law all love Jesus and come from very solid Christian families.

I thank God that now I can pray the same prayers for my grandkids that I prayed for my kids! It is such a blessing to call out the names of Claire and Riley to our great God and pray to Jesus for Him to grant the following requests: good health, salvation at an early age, marry the people God wants them to marry, be virgins when they get married and marry virgins, and that God would bless their future spouses and their future spouse's families. You may read this and ask if I really pray that prayer every day for my grandkids like I did for my kids. Yes, every single day, with no exceptions... and you know what? It is my wonderful honor.

Parents and grandparents, let me encourage you to pray daily for your family. It is the greatest gift you could ever give them!

Podcast of the Week

An Interview with Don Brock

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show his friend Pastor Don Brock of Gateway Baptist Church in Irmo, South Carolina. You may know Don's son, Mack Brock, founding member of the worship ministry at Charlotte, North Carolina's Elevation Church and highly successful solo music artist. Don shares about how he and Danny met and became friends, his testimony, his ministry, and his family, including how Mack's worship ministry was prophesied!

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Matthew Hall