"Children's children are the crown of old men,
And the glory of children is their father."
(Proverbs 17:6)
I have always loved this verse in Proverbs. It is a blessing to have lived long enough to experience the truth and joy in the first part of this verse. When our family went to Disney World at the end of last year, I shared with our three adult children and their spouses that I had something I wanted to share with them. They all got quiet and looked at me thinking, "What is this about?" I told them they know how much we love our granddaughter, Claire, and Ashley and I want to have many more! They laughed, but I am speaking the truth! Grandchildren are indeed a blessing from the Lord.
The second part of this verse is so powerful and interesting to me. The Hebrew word translated "glory" is tiperet, which means glory, beauty, or pride. One writer describes this verse in the following way: "Behind this apparently innocuous proverb is a profound assertion of the psychological interdependence of the generations. Elders derive a sense of pride from their descendants, and children get their self-worth from parents. On the other hand, one generation can cause shame and a sense of worthlessness in another." (Garrett, D. A. (1993). Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (Vol. 14, p. 159). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.)
It is truly astounding the power God has given parents to shape their child's life. Whether parents use that influence for good or evil will determine the trajectory of their child's life. When dads and moms shirk their parental duty and neglect, abuse, or mistreat their children, it has lasting results. However, the opposite is equally true; when a parent loves their child and builds them up with love, acceptance, and godly discipline, well, that child is set up for success in life.