Being Thankful in the Midst of Trials

Being Thankful in the Midst of Trials

Today I want to share with you a powerful example of
how to obey Ephesians 5:20 and be thankful for all things.

Being Thankful in the Midst of Trials

"Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."

(Ephesians 5:20)

Terry Price lives in Virginia and attends Liberty Baptist Church, where I served as pastor from 1999 until 2005. She wrote a post this week, and when I read it, I had tears in my eyes. It is a powerful example of how to obey Ephesians 5:20 and be thankful for all things. I asked for her permission to share her post with you, and she graciously said yes. I hope you are as blessed and challenged by it as I am.
I am reminded again in this season of life that it is through the difficult times that God teaches us so many things that we might otherwise miss. Although I don't wish difficulties on anyone, I would not trade the experiences of the sweetness of my Lord during those times for anything.

I was diagnosed in January 2020 with breast cancer.... again. I had breast cancer 10 years ago; I had a lumpectomy, radiation, and a 2nd lumpectomy. This time has been a bit different.

I went to my annual routine mammogram on January 6, had extra pictures, an ultrasound, a chat with the radiologist, and a biopsy scheduled. I had a breast biopsy on January 13th which "happened" to be the first day of 20 Days of Prayer at my church. (Ok, there is no "happened" to be in my belief... God had it all planned that way!) On that first day of 20 Days of Prayer, God made it clear to me that He was going to "enlarge my territory," (see 1 Chronicles 4:9-10: the Prayer of Jabez) and that I needed to focus on His provision, His hand at work, and His miracles, whether large or small.

I felt impressed to journal the miracles, God's involvement, all the ways He is at work, whether we see Him or not, and all the things that I am thankful for every step of the way... because He is the Provider, my Provider. I've been doing that and thought I would begin the journey of sharing that with you... So, here we go.

I'm convinced we often miss the "big" miracles because they are just too big for us to comprehend and/or believe they could actually happen... or we excuse them away. We serve a BIG GOD who is fully capable of doing BIG things!!! Lord, forgive us for our unbelief. This brings renewed understanding to Mark 9:24: "Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, 'I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!'"

I'm also convinced that we miss the "tiny" little miracles--as if any miracle could be "tiny"--but I mean the "little" things in life that God provides for us or takes care of for us, but we miss them because they are just so small that we dismiss them as "coincidence" or "just how life goes". We have a mighty, all powerful God who knows every detail. He is interested in the details of our lives and of this world. He created every detail. He is involved in every detail. Lord, forgive us for overlooking the fact that You are in control of every single tiny detail of everything. You are God of all.

I will be sharing more in the days to come, but I'll start with this:

I am thankful for God Himself. I am thankful that He cares for all of us in general and for me specifically. I'm thankful that God is interested in the big things and the little things in our lives and in our world. I'm thankful that He is in control. I'm thankful that He is on the throne and is at work every minute of every day. I'm thankful for the Trinity: I'm thankful for the Father who loves us more than we can imagine. I'm thankful for Jesus who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I'm thankful for the Holy Spirit who is the very Spirit of God who lives in us as believers to guide and comfort us--to guide and comfort even me in this journey called life.
Podcast of the Week

Pastor Randy Phillips

Pastor Danny welcomes to the podcast Pastor Randy Phillips, co-founder of Phillips, Craig, & Dean and Lead Pastor of Life Austin and the Life family of churches in the Greater Austin area.
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Matthew Hall