

Perspective is vital. In times like these where almost everyone is on
edge, it's good to pause and look at our world from a different angle.


"The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge,
but the mouth of fools feeds on foolishness."

(Proverbs 15:14)

Perspective is vital. In times like these where almost everyone is on edge and deeply concerned about how they are going to make it, it is good to push the pause button and look at our world from a different perspective. Most folks have forgotten the power of laughter in times like this. Laughter is the silver lining in the midst of darkness and gloom. When you can smile and even laugh in the midst of your time of trial, it really lightens the load. In today's brief devotion, I am going to share information that I hope will put a smile on your face and some encouragement in your soul.

First, check out this dad's creative escape from his daughter who is looking for him. I hope this at least puts a smile on your face:

Next, take a minute and watch one of my favorite authors, Andy Andrews, share some words of hope in the midst of these days of virus, quarantine, and social distancing. He does a great job looking back and helping us to gain a better perspective of what we are currently facing. This present danger too shall surely pass even as other threats and diseases have passed as well.
The Coronavirus... A New Perspective of Truth
And one final word about perspective: If God's eye is on the sparrow, think how much more He is watching you!
Podcast of the Week

Word for the Week: Faith

Pastor Danny begins a new episode series entitled, "Word for the Week", where he will dedicate each episode to breaking down the deeper meaning of a particular word and providing practical applications to our daily walk with Christ. The word for this week is "faith".
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Matthew Hall