How Christians Should Respond to the Coronavirus

How Christians Should Respond to the Coronavirus

What can you and I do as followers of Jesus in light
of this new virus that is spreading around the world?

How Christians Should
Respond to the Coronavirus

"And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes;
there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.
There shall be no more pain,
for the former things have passed away."

(Revelation 21:4)

The Coronavirus continues to bring chaos upon the world. Over 80,000 people worldwide have contracted the virus with around 3,000 people losing their lives. I heard last week that some believe the virus was a man-made biological weapon, while others believe it came from people eating the meat of infected skunks. Truth be told, no one knows where it came from or how long it will continue to adversely affect us. For sure, the impact is being felt all over the world. Five people have died in Vicenza, Italy, where I went in May 2019 on a mission trip. The first case in the US has been reported in California, and some believe it is just a matter of time before our nation experiences a major outbreak. The financial markets have been hit very hard, with the airline industry alone predicted to lose $100 billion.

What can you and I do as followers of Jesus in light of this new virus that is spreading around the world? First, we should pray. I am praying for those who have loved ones who have passed away from the coronavirus. I am praying that those who are infected would be healed, and I am praying that God would lead us to a cure quickly. Prayer is always a better reaction than panic. Second, prepare now as best you can. Some articles I have read instruct people not to over-buy or hoard, but to purchase a few necessities in case of a shortage. Basic food supplies, medications, and hand wipes are a few good items one can buy now while supplies last. Third, do not be shocked by the overreactions of some if this virus becomes a pandemic (meaning, widespread throughout the world). Those who do not know the Lord will act like they do not know the Lord, especially in times of crisis. Many will give into a mob mentality, and some people will get very violent. Fourth, as a follower of Jesus, shine for Christ in the midst of the current darkness. Serve, love, help, and generally do what Jesus would do if he were here on earth in 2020. Fifth, remember that this world is filled with evil, but one day it will all change. Jesus is coming back, He will rule on earth, and one great day, as Revelation 21:4 teaches us, there will be no more pain, tears, death, sorrow, coronavirus, cancer, or anything else that causes harm.

The Holy Spirit of God gives the child of God all he or she needs to live a mission-focused life. During the early years of Christianity, it was the believers who loved the unlovely and risked their lives to help. When people are freaking out, panicked, fearful, and violent, we as children of God should be just the opposite. We should be calm in the midst of the storm, even though we have fears and concerns. Remembering that God has saved us, and our eternity is secure will empower us to live boldly and be a positive influence in the sea of negativity that will drown so many. As a result, people will watch us and be drawn to the Savior that we serve in the midst of difficulty.

These are days where the Church of Jesus Christ needs to rise up and be the people He has commissioned us to be. May God bless and embolden you and me today to be the salt and light Jesus has called us to be.

For more information on the coronavirus and how believers should respond in tough times, check out Dr. Jim Denison's article here:
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Pastor Randy Phillips

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Matthew Hall