Free Burma Rangers

Free Burma Rangers

Last week, I went to a theater to see a film called "Free Burma Rangers".
I had no idea how good it would be. It's the best film I've ever seen.

Free Burma Rangers

"Greater love has no one than this,
than to lay down one's life for his friends."

(John 15:13)

Last week, I went to a theater here in Austin, TX, to watch a film called "Free Burma Rangers". Some friends had invited me to go, and when I heard that Pastor and author Francis Chan said it was the best film he had ever seen, I thought I would go and check it out. I felt like it would be good, but I had no idea just how good it would be. I posted on social media that it was the best movie I had ever seen. I think the primary reason that I enjoyed it so much is that much of the movie is live footage of what actually happened. It is a story of real people following a real Savior to change a very real and broken world.

I will try not to spoil the movie by telling you too much, but when you get the chance, go and watch this movie about a courageous missionary family who ran into danger and brought help and hope in Jesus' name. I look forward to showing the movie in our church, and I think we will have many who will not only come and see it but will also be changed and motivated in ways they have never been before. I know I was.

As I sat in the theater eating popcorn, I was riveted by what I was witnessing. David and Karen Eubank and their three children immerse themselves within a civil war in the country of Burma to bring light and hope. They are the hands and feet of Jesus to people ravaged by the evils of genocide.
David is a former US Army special forces operator, and he is one tough fellow. He is bold as a lion but has the heart of a tender shepherd. After raising up a band of brothers to help the country of Burma, they received a call to go and help Mosul, Iraq, which at the time was being occupied by Isis fighters. Wow... you just have to watch what happens for yourself. The cameras are rolling as David and his team rescue Iraqi people in harm's way. They come under attack and have to fight back. David takes out Isis fighters in his rescue attempts to save innocents on the brink of death. Again, this is not a fictional movie, it is a documentary with real footage of what actually happened. For more information, please visit their website.

The heroism and courage of these missionaries are not only inspiring but also very convicting. I think the reason David went forward in courage is that he had already died. As a follower of Jesus, he had already died to self, ambition, and the preservation of his life and answered the call of Jesus Christ to come and die. Dead people truly make powerful warriors. What do I mean by that statement? When we as followers of Jesus obey Mark 8:34 and deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Jesus, we say no to our own wishes and hopes, and fully surrender to God's best for us. Paul said he was crucified with Christ, but yet he lived. Galatians 2:20 states it so powerfully: "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."

I don't know about you, but I think I would be a much more effective and faithful follower of Jesus if I cared less about my dreams and desires and more about God's plans and desires for my life. God has an amazing life He wants every Christian to live. Are you living that life? If you want a real testimony of someone who is, then be sure to watch "Free Burma Rangers", and prepare yourself to be challenged and inspired in ways that you have never been before.
Podcast of the Week

Pastor Randy Phillips

Pastor Danny welcomes to the podcast Pastor Randy Phillips, co-founder of Phillips, Craig, & Dean and Lead Pastor of Life Austin and the Life family of churches in the Greater Austin area.
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Matthew Hall