A Good Word

A Good Word

What does God's word say can cheer us up and dispel that anxiety?
A good word. An encouraging word can go a long way right now.

A Good Word

"This week, I have asked my son, Bryant Forshee, to write our daily devotions. Bryant is the Minister to Junior High Students at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX."
- Pastor Danny
"Anxiety in a person's heart weighs it down, but a good word cheers it up."

(Proverbs 12:25, CSB)

I have heard it said before that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". Now, more than ever, everyone is all about good hygiene: wash your hands, sanitize your hands, use Clorox wipes on surfaces, practice social distancing, etc. I think it is awesome to see everyone come together collectively for good health and hygiene. Keep it up! Eat the apples! What I want to propose to you is this:

"A FaceTime a day brings a smile your way."

What in the world does this mean? This is Proverbs 12:25 in action. Proverbs 12:25 is written above. If you have not read it yet, take a moment and do so. Everyone can relate to the first part because there is a lot of anxiety going around. There is anxiety about when this quarantine period will end. There is anxiety for the extroverts who cannot see and interact with people. There is anxiety for the introverts for when they have to come out of their paradise and be with people again. (Ok... the last one might not be true, but there is plenty of anxiety to go around for everyone right now.)

What does God's word say can cheer us up and dispel that anxiety? A good word. An encouraging word can go a long way right now, especially one from a friend or family member. Now, more than ever, people are in need of a good word! Who is better to give a good word than those of us who have the message of Jesus? Who better to give a good word than we who have the Holy Spirit of God who gives wisdom to us whenever we ask? Who better to give a good word than Christians?

Who in your world needs a good word? What I want to encourage you with today is to set up a FaceTime call with a friend, relative, colleague, or anyone who God puts on your heart, and go into the conversation with one goal in mind: giving them a good word. Give them a word that will cheer up the anxious heart that is weighed down. Live out Proverbs 12:25, and apply that scripture in your own life. Watch as that good word encourages them and blesses you too. It will be awesome to see that big smile come across both of your faces as you have an encouraging and good conversation!

Who has the Holy Spirit put on your heart right now? What is preventing you from calling, FaceTiming, or otherwise reaching out to that person right now and giving them a good word?

Do it today, because "a FaceTime a day brings a smile your way."
Podcast of the Week

Word for the Week: Forgiveness

Continuing in our "Word for the Week" series, Pastor Danny focuses this episode of REvangelical on the word "forgiveness".
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Matthew Hall