A Daily Reminder: Identity

A Daily Reminder: Identity

Your identity as a follower of Jesus is not determined by
what you do and say, but what Jesus has done on the cross.

A Daily Reminder: Identity

"This week, I have asked my son, Bryant Forshee, to write our daily devotions. Bryant is the Minister to Junior High Students at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX."
- Pastor Danny
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."

(1 Peter 2:9)

Two weeks ago, there were some very nervous college football players awaiting the third Thursday in April: NFL Draft Day.

These players had come from different universities, different backgrounds, and different life experiences. Some of these players have given their all for programs to which they committed right out of High School.

These exceptional athletes (perhaps the most exceptional being Derrick Brown - War Eagle!) were putting aside their college playing days and looking for the phone call to come in and tell them how their lives would be changed forever.

My favorite part of Draft Day is seeing the families react to the news of their sons being drafted, but it is also watching each athlete put on his new team's hat.

The hat is simple: a team's color and logo; however, the meaning in the hat speaks volumes. The hat symbolizes where this athlete will play, who the new coach is, who the new teammates are, and many other factors. By putting on a simple hat, these athletes have a new identity.

When you put your faith in Christ Jesus, you are given a new identity! This identity is way better than a new team on Draft Day! According to 1 Peter 2:9, the believer in Jesus Christ is a CHOSEN person, part of a ROYAL priesthood, a HOLY person, and--my personal favorite--God's SPECIAL possession! If this is who God sees you as and calls you to be, NEVER FORGET IT! (By the way, I use all caps to grab your attention, and mine, quite frankly.)

We can never forget that our identity is DETERMINED by the one who created and saved us. We can never forget that our identity is FIXED by the one who created and saved us. We can never forget that our identity is not earned but GIVEN to us by the one who created and saved us!

Your identity as a follower of Jesus Christ is not determined by what you do and say, but what Jesus has done on the cross. Your identity is not based on merit or deeds, but the grace, mercy, and kindness of a holy God. Know and reassure yourself TODAY who you are in Christ!
Podcast of the Week

10 Principles for Effective Living: Hope

Pastor Danny focuses this episode on the principle of Hope, discussing the importance, or rather, necessity, of having hope for the future, especially, as believers, the unmatched hope that comes from our salvation and the Holy Spirit within us.
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Matthew Hall