"5 So he came to a town of Samaria called Sychar, near the field that Jacob had given to his son Joseph. 6 Jacob's well was there; so Jesus, wearied as he was from his journey, was sitting beside the well. It was about the sixth hour."
(John 4:5-6, ESV)
I think the physical feeling of tiredness is fascinating. Have you ever really thought about it? In a day, your body goes through routines, work, eating, and all the other activities that make up a day. Once the day is done and the sun is down, or even at about 2:00 p.m. when you are hitting your "bleh" mode at work, your body seems to get tired. Your eyelids start to feel like they are 45-pound weights. You think to yourself: "Let's go to sleep!" Now, at the end of the day, that's not a problem; however, when it's 2:00 p.m. at work, you have yourself a problem.
I sure am thankful for a great High Priest who can sympathize with us humans in every way! Jesus Himself experienced being tired and weary. In the verses above, we see Jesus tired from the journey that He was on. We find Him taking a break to sit by a well and have a drink of water. If you continue reading John 4, you see that from Jesus' tiredness comes the amazing encounter of Jesus and the woman at the well. Jesus did not let the weariness of His travels prevent Him from His divine appointment with the unnamed woman at the well. In this encounter, we read about Jesus revealing who He is to her and showing grace and mercy to her, and we see how we are to treat people, even those society looks down on. Jesus, in His weariness, still kept the mission of God at His forefront.
In life, we are going to get tired. That is a fact. At the end of the day (or sometimes earlier), our bodies get tired. This tiredness and weariness does not give us an excuse to sin, check out, or give up. In the tiredness, just like any and every situation in life, we look to Jesus and how He handled being tired. Jesus interacted with people and had spiritual conversations with people, even in His own tiredness.
What will you do with your tiredness? Do you believe that God can use you even in the midst of your tiredness? Today, I am challenging myself and you to look at how God can use our "tired" moments. May we be servants of Christ who want to engage and use up every moment for His glory, even the moments when we are tired and weary!