Sunday's Coming

Sunday's Coming (by Bryant Forshee)

I will always wonder what it would have been like to be a follower of
Jesus there over 2,000 years ago on the day that Jesus was crucified...

Sunday's Coming

This week's devotions are written by my son, Bryant Forshee, Junior High Pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church.
- Pastor Danny
"And Jesus uttered a loud cry and breathed his last."

(Mark 15:37; ESV)

What a sight that must have been to behold! I will always wonder what it would have been like to be a follower of Jesus there over 2,000 years ago on the day that Jesus was crucified. What would it have been like to see the Messiah crucified, to see the One that you have followed and loved hanging on a tree? What would it have been like when He breathed His last? What sights and sounds were there to behold? What was it like to walk back to your home knowing that the Messiah was dead?

I can only imagine the weight and hurt that the followers of Christ had as they realized that the Messiah had just died before their very eyes. I wonder if any of them thought, "He predicted this and will rise three days later!" or if the sheer sight of everything they just witnessed caused a dampening of their moods. What a time of uncertainty and pain!

I also wonder what it was like to see the resurrected Jesus! What was it like to see Him in the flesh with His nail-scarred hands and feet? What was it like to hear from Jesus post-resurrection? I can only imagine the hope and joy that flooded the hearts of the disciples! I can only imagine the tears that filled their eyes as they realized and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus is who He says He is and did what He said He would do! What a glorious truth that on Friday, Jesus died, and on Sunday, He was resurrected! ...and hallelujah, one day we will see Him ourselves!

With everything going on today, we can know that in times of great uncertainty and even hopelessness, that we as Christians can know that Jesus is the victor over death, sin, and the grave. We can know that God is in control, and while it may look like everything is going terribly, God is in control, and nothing is taking Him by surprise.

Where are you looking for your hope and joy? Are you looking to the ever-changing political climate in our country? Are you looking for it in your work? Are you looking for it in your family? If the source of your hope and joy is not the risen Savior, then it will waver and run dry. Let us be followers of Jesus who find our hope, joy, and security in no one other than Jesus Christ Himself.

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Podcast of the Week

Pastor Steve Gaines on Evangelism & the Future of the SBC

Pastor Danny welcomes to the show Pastor Steve Gaines, lead pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, TN. Pastor Steve shares a bit of his story, his vision for ministry, his thoughts on the future of the SBC, and why it is essential for Christians to be actively engaged in both evangelism and directly serving their communities in practical ways.
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Matthew Hall