Let the Good Times Roll

Let the Good Times Roll

What do you enjoy doing? I encourage you to make some time for it and do it.

Let the Good Times Roll

"The merciful man does good for his own soul,
but he who is cruel troubles his own flesh."

(Proverbs 11:17)

I went to a local Jamba Juice here in Austin, TX, and they were playing on the radio an old song by the band, the Cars. As I was looking over the menu, I started singing out loud the lyrics to the song. Isn't it crazy how we can still remember the lyrics of songs we learned decades ago? ...songs that we may not have heard for years and yet we can still sing them? I recall how my brother, Jerry, and I would sing at the top of our lungs the many songs we learned from our favorite band at the time, the Cars. One of those songs that I still recall is Good Times Roll. One of the lines in the song is the question, "Won't you let the good times roll?"

Solomon says in our text today, "The merciful man does good for his own soul." The man or woman who cannot enjoy this life or do good for his or her own soul is one that is lacking in mercy. The opposite of this proverb is also true: "He who is cruel troubles his own flesh." The unmerciful person does not do good for his or her own soul. Those who are unkind to others are also unkind to themselves. Their sadness leads to madness that leads to badness. But there is a better way, and it is the way to gladness. I think we could all use some gladness during this crazy global coronavirus we are dealing with. I am not endorsing some hedonistic lifestyle that only concerns itself with pleasure; rather, I am speaking about goodness to your soul where you actually slow down and enjoy the sweet pleasures of life that God freely bestows upon you.

What do you enjoy doing? I encourage you to make some time for it and do it. For example, if you enjoy hunting this time of year, then get away and go hunt. Ever noticed the big ol' grin on the faces of those who have hunted down a big 8-point deer? If you enjoy shopping with your friends, then call them up and go shop til you drop! Personally, I know this sounds a bit strange, but I actually enjoy exercise. Yes, it is painful at times but also pleasurable. I also enjoy playing golf, but lately, I have not played. However, thanks to the sweet folks at our church, I plan to play more soon with my new clubs!

On this Wednesday before Thanksgiving, take a deep breath, leave work at work, and for the next few days, let the good times roll and do some good for your soul.

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Podcast of the Week

Victory Over Discouragement

Pastor Danny shares an encouraging testimony from a member of Great Hills Baptist Church, offers some additional words of encouragement, and provides some practical tips for how we can lift each other up every day.
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Matthew Hall