There's Nothing Our God Can't Do

There's Nothing Our God Can't Do 🙌

I love the truth that we serve and know in a personal way the God of the
universe, and there is nothing He can't do; nothing is too difficult for Him.

There's Nothing Our God Can't Do

This week's devotions are written by my son, Bryant Forshee, Junior High Pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church.
- Pastor Danny
"Oh, Lord God! You yourself made the heavens and earth by your great power and with your outstretched arm. Nothing is too difficult for you!"

(Jeremiah 32:17; CSB)

If you have not already heard "There's Nothing That Our God Can't Do" by Passion, I would highly recommend this song! Now, the song is not "new" by any means, but it is new to me, and I have that song on repeat right now. The chorus goes like this:
There's nothing that our God can't do
There's not a prison wall He can't break through
Oh praise the name
That makes a way
There's nothing that our God can't do

I love the truth that we serve and know in a personal way the God of the universe, and there is nothing He can't do; nothing is too difficult for Him. I marvel at the fact that God loved us so much that He sent Jesus, His one and only son, to die for our sins on a cross, and because of Jesus' willing sacrifice, we can be forgiven and know Him (the God of the universe) in a personal way! What an amazing thought.

My favorite part of the song is the bridge:
I will believe, for greater things
There's no power like the power of Jesus
Let faith arise, let all agree
There's no power like the power of Jesus

I love the line, "There's no power like the power of Jesus." What a great anthem and truth to sing over each day and your whole life. I especially love this song because it declares the glory of God and declares the power of Jesus. Reminding ourselves of these truths by singing them empowers and emboldens us believers to take comfort in the power of our God and our Savior.

Who can you share this truth of power with today? Who can you share with the truth that there's nothing our God can't do?
Passion - "There’s Nothing That Our God Can’t Do" (Lyric Video/Live)

Reboot, refresh, and refocus this year!

Last year was challenging, so we want to help you have a fresh start in 2021 with Pastor Danny’s sermon series Restart. Get your copy when you give today!

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Podcast of the Week


Pastor Danny brings a message of encouragement and hope to help you start the new year off right. With all the chaos surrounding us in our world today, it is vital that we remember why we should have hope and where our hope comes from.
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Matthew Hall